
Listen. You. If you are going to go through all the trouble of dressing up, at least wear a stupid baseball hat that matches. Don't be a jerk. Somewhere your stylist is fuming.

Oh, girl, no.

"Alright. We updated the tag line, that should make all those feminazis on the internet happy. We're not changing the picture to include any fatties though. Let's go have lunch"

I just read it.

I used to BEG my parents to buy me goosebumps books and I credit them with teaching me to love reading (also, giving me incredible anxiety issues about being alone in the dark).

I'm sitting here cursing myself for reading these because I know I get WAY TOO SCARED and I promise myself I'll lay off the spooky stuff for the rest of the... oh, wait, nope, *right click* *open in new tab*


In our house there is a mirror above the bathroom sink and one on the medicine cabinet on the wall directly across from the sink, more than once I've caught a reflection of my reflection and lost my shit.

I TOTALLY do. I also won't even glance at a mirror in the dark. In our bedroom we have big patio doors and a full length mirror beside them and at night it's my scary place.

my husband's parents were visiting last night and I had slipped off to put our daughter to bed. An hour later, I realized she had long since gone to sleep but I was caught up reading the stories and comments... in the dark. I had to text him to come up and turn on the hallway light.


Now playing

I don't know who these people are an automatically assumed you were talking about this song:

I've been struggling with this today.

Now playing

From the jist of the comments I'm gathering that it's okay to be screamy, spilly, wobbly selfish asshole in public as long as you're a drunk-adult and not a baby.


my brain says no no no no but the rest of me says LINKPLZ

oh fuck no.

Something similar happened to me in university: an old roommate had locked herself out once and decided to get her drunk boyfriend to try and break in through my window that night as I was sleeping. I was scared shirtless and I think I had blocked it out until I read this comment.

While reading it my partner started playing a video and i jumped a foot in the air.

You're correct, it would be an accent aigu (acute accent). Poussé.