Kate Moore (chiisaisuzume)

My wife runs an animal rescue group so we have always had a significant number of dogs running around our backyard.

After seeing the satellite imagery, which I didn’t need a warrant for (obviously)...

I read it as “still stuck”

I am. In Florida v Riley in 1989 the Supreme Court said:

Do I need to add the Riot one? It felt like it was in a weird place, I wasn’t sure.

WGA member on strike here. I know the opinion I’m going to express here will not be popular but cracking down on password sharing is not only logical but it’s necessary.

In an odd way, St. Elsewhere’s finale gave it a sort of TV immortality. Look at how many different theories and discussion it’s had 35 years after it ended. Had it been a typical finale, it wouldn’t have been remembered. For example, ER was a much more popular and longer lasting medical show. How many people can

Diana died because she was not wearing a seat belt in a car with a drunk driver. The one person wearing a seat belt in that car, survived the collision. The paparazzi should not have been chasing them, but a series of bad choices including her own, led to her death.

I would argue that a new car has its place. The key is to not see it as an investment, but as a sunk cost.

Take the subway? You’re talking about a very small percentage of the country who has this option. 

I think of Mark Harmon getting Donald Bellisario booted off running NCIS because the round-the-clock schedule was absolutely hellacious to where Harmon basically went to brass and said “Him or me”.

Bullshit. When Robert Downey Jr and Tom Holland improv entire scenes as Iron Man and Spider-Man, they are considered sooper-geniuses.

This girl does it and she’s mocked by the mediocre.

She’s been a working actor since she was 3, and explained to the director and the script supervisor why she was changing the lines. When does she earn that right?

Was it ever like that? It used to basically be a blog for Crecente and Ashcraft. In the early days, there were almost as many posts about cool stuff that Brian Ashcraft had seen in Japan as there were about games.

To everyone in the comments: It’s okay. You can admit what DeSantis is doing is absolutely an authoritative abuse of power without having to hem and haw about Disney to try and keep your “progressive” credibility.

I think the brand name is important, because of the historical associations with Pinkertons. If you hire the literal Pinkertons, who identify themselves to people as such, you know exactly the historical connotations of intimidation and underhanded violence/hired thuggery that entails, and choosing to use them over

For a man of this status and influence making such sweeping and inaccurate allegations is wild. they’re conspiratorial. 

fuck cancer forever-ever

EA does exactly the same thing though. I got both Madden and BF2042 through Steam, and even launching them through Steam the EA app will still stick its nose in and have to open before the game boots.

It’s a bad time for people in recovery.