Kate Moore (chiisaisuzume)

Daikannon. Sendai, Japan. By Luca B.

Dog food and cat litter are getting harder to find around here. People really need to calm down and quit buying 6 or 10 of everything. I feel guilty by 3 pizzas, but I also eat about three a week usually...so

They are just making sure everything is safe. In these scary times, it’s nice to have some support. 

The Game Developers Conference has announced GDC Summer, currently set for August 4-6 in San Francisco. The scaled-down event will feature “a new series of microtalks and fireside chats, as well as a dedicated space for comprehensive career development sessions.”

Thank you -- not minor at all. Will fix. TYVM

Due to the effects of coronavirus covid-19, Funimation will delay simultaneous dubs for the spring anime season. The company is temporarily halting production so all staff to work from home. Simulcast subs, however, will not be impacted.