Kate Moore (chiisaisuzume)

How’s It Going? got incorporated into Morning Music, but we’re still invited to talk there.  I usually just mark my stuff with an OT by way of courtesy.  As for Brian, he usually takes off around Christmas, so I think nothing to worry about, there.  :)

I guess that’s what happens when you live through (and continue to live in) a pandemic. What once seemed wildly impossible, a zombie plague spreading quickly and killing millions, just seems like another Tuesday now.

Nerf NOW!! a little too on the nose, but they’re right.

These ‘Shop Contest posts aren’t the easiest thing to put together each weekend, but I have no intentions of ending things now. They are always a nice bright spot no matter how dreary the weekend might feel. So thanks for all the laughs and smiles!

Also good to know, thank you!  :) 

Was a great weekend, just as expected.  Thank you.  :) 

That is really useful to know, thank you!  :) 

Same, so far as the sale goes. >_>;; As for Greedfall? It’s a little rough around the edges, but I enjoy it in the same way that I enjoy Dragon Age: Origins.  The story and the characters keep me coming back; I want to see what happens to them.

My goals aren’t particularly ambitious, because I know better than to set myself up for failure. I’d like to see Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla all the way through and complete as much of it as I can (don’t see me doing the paper chase bits, though). Not really backlog as it’s what I’m currently playing, but even so. I’d

Welcome back!  I always look forward to seeing what you’re going to say.  :)

I know it puts you in a bit of a spot, but as someone who’s been reading what you’ve been going through, I can only think that it was for the best.  You gave it everything--and here, you even helped someone, which is more than others would do.  Now it’s time to help yourself.  *hugs*

This year has been a fucking terrible mess, as thousands of others have written about already. I don’t presume to think my silly Pokemon blogs are saving lives. But I do hope that for a few minutes each weekend you folks get to have a bit of laugh and read some silly comments. Tiny distractions like that are the key

We argued for a bit, but in the end I was like “It’s gonna be on my personal list. I’ll be able to tell people why.” They’ll look at it and get my story out of it, and in the end, I think that’s much more valuable than, “Here’s a game we all picked by committee.”

I’ve sometimes wondered if this did more long-term damage than they let on.

I can see how that’d be awkward.  As long as you get the envelope that tells you about your gift (usually comes in the bottom of the box, rather than in the gift bag), you should be good to go--the instructions were in there.  Hope everything works out!

ANd they probably ordeered it from Amazon, which means even if I could just return the unopened copy through them it would still require involving the gift giver and feels rude and complicated.

OT: So, sitting at work waiting for our first major winter storm of the season. Accumulation totals—precip predictions, for that matter—are all over the place. Decided to ride it out here (most of my group is working from home or going home early), because honestly tomorrow morning looks worse than this afternoon.

Sorry to hear about the server, and even more sorry to hear about the exposure!  Keep us posted; really hope you guys don’t contract it.

Just based on what you’ve said lately, I can see that.  I am glad to hear that things may be improving, though!  And for whatever it’s worth, even though I can’t do much else, still here to listen.

That sounds absolutely wretched, I’m sorry.  :(  And while I get where you’re coming from re: covid, couldn’t hurt to keep an eye out for things that might suit you.  I know everyone’s working under stressful conditions right now, but they don’t need to actively make things worse!