
It’s definitely irritating when overused, but so is pretty much any other communication tick : hand gestures, constant unrelenting eye contact, etc.

Ya I mean, if you asked me to pick the dude most likely to be racist after these two episodes, it would obviously be this idiot.

How much vetting did they really need to do, though? Isn’t that like, the new standard issue white supremacist douche haircut?

I’d say that a slightly different interpretation could also be valid : uptalk not necessarily functioning as a demand for attention or agreement, but as a signal that says “I’m seeking your empathy and understanding of what I’m talking about, and I’m crediting you with the ability and/or willingness to give it.”

I personally find up talk vapid and insecure, maybe it is a cultural thing. It may work for some people in USA, but I can be damn sure everyone outside the country is going to judge you. I kinda get it when Nigerian, Indian or French people have vocalisation attributes rub on to their accent on secondary language.

It’s an easy mistake to make. Paris Hilton survived the LA blitz. She helped rebuild the Chateau Marmont using martini glasses and tiny, studded dog collars. Unfortunately the city was never quite the same, especially after Hollywood was walled off from West Hollywood. Never forget.

I will never see this photograph without thinking that it is Paris Hilton.

It’s real. Cover photo from a 2007 feature in Harper’s Bazaar. Making that sexy “O” face. Of course, in this case, the “O” stands for “oligarch.”

Women are the unsung heroes of WWII

It wasn’t for very long because the war ended shortly after she joined, but, yeah, actual mechanic. Changing tires, rebuilding engines, driving ambulances, that sort of thing. There’s a story about how you had to drive this one particular course into London in order to graduate, and there was this freakout conference

Now hey now. Ivanka survived the NYC blitz. She even helped break up the rubble.

True. However, she doesn’t have to clean her own house, buy groceries, pay her bills, etc. What I should have said was, the queen of England understands our lives better than this family does. Which in hindsight, is even more sad.

Remember when France was the butt of nation jokes made by Americans?

There’s the Eddie Izzard method. React as anyone else would when someone deliberately inflicts pain on them. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! You bastard! I hope you die in a car crash.”

Shit, now I have to learn French.

Remember when Donald was going to make us respected by the whole world? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

I’ve decided, after having a couple alpha-assholes pull the move on me, that the way to deal with this kind of dimestore-leadership-handbook handshake-dominance bullshit is to cut off the attempt by not allowing the wannabe-alpha grab at the palm like a normal person, but instead to close the grip early, clamping down

C’est un homme who doesn’t have le temps for your merde, Donald.

god.. its fucking sad that something as small as a handshake could affect the world nowadays....

I can see it now, Merkel will go up to Trump and extend her hand to grab him by the balls, ‘cause when you are famous, you can do that’