
Agreed. but Nixon fired a special prosecutor who was ONLY investigating his administration. Trump just fired the head of the FBI. It’s a much bigger deal. He’s left the primary investigative agency rudderless, while the risk of domestic terrorism remains at all time levels of inevitable. Trump’s craven self interest

I don’t get the “cultural appropriation “ thing. Doesn’t every single culture on Earth do this? The other night, Anthony Bourdain filmed an episode in the Philipines. He said that a decent amount of the Philipine’s economy consists of cover bands of American and English songs that travel around the world on cruise

I’ve just started listening to the local progressive radio station again, and you wouldn’t believe how many of these (mostly white people, but not all,) are seriously drunk by 2pm. It’s not great. Come on, guys. Get your shit together or don’t be on our side.

I think good conversation is in extremely short supply. You definitely kept up your end, and I’ll be looking out for your comments in the future.

After the election, I heard a hundred pundits say that smug Liberals cost Hillary the election. Have you ever seen a face as smug as Paul Ryan’s? How about Newt Gingrich? Rush Limbaugh? Anyone? Anyone? Hugh Hewitt, the original Moleman? Rick Santorum? Pete King? Dick Cheney? Paul Wolfowitz? Anyone seen someone this

Yes yes yes yes yes.

This sounds to me like dozens of staffers realizing that it was a short work day when they saw the cases of Bud Light being delivered to their offices.

Everything the Repubulicans now stand for and either do or defend, is the exact opposite of what a decent, civic-minded person is supposed to do.

If the Republicans can’t even pretend they care about the sick, the elderly and little kids, why the hell are we letting them participate at all, much less run things? Fuck, fuck, fuck.

The rest of the world is already laughing their asses off, 100% guaranteed. But it’s nervous laughter. That’s going to leave a mark.

As Kate McKinnon, impersonating this asshole says:”I talk real cute.......but I’m a danger to the country!”

I hope the ACLU is helping this person out. If they’re not, my automatic monthly contribution could go to the the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Just as I decided to take a break from the Internet for a few hours, you write something genuinely kind to me. I’m sorry it took me so long to reply. You’re sweet to say the things you did.

The horse will possibly be less stupid and definitely less cruel.

Yeah, we should get on that. Sometime just after 2018 o’ clock.

“The lilies of the field do not care if the other lillies are Nazis” said Trump and Jesus.

The trouble I always run into is that I am absolutely 100% against the death penalty for grown ups, whatever they may have done.. And I understand that there are a lot of different reasons to have an abortion. Horrible reasons. Tragic reasons. I’m not stupid and I’m not religious and I’m not naive. Maybe it’s

I actually know someone whose Mom had a back-alley abortion and who eventually died from it. I honestly believe it HAS to be legal and accessible.

The guy was not heartless. The guy was just not a woman who had been forced to think about this.

I absolutely respect anyone else’s reproductive rights. But I don’t think it’s the equivalent of a tonsillectomy.