
Even better. A dress that purposely looks like your bra strap is hanging out. I bet her closet is the approximate size of the entire downstairs of my house, but she looked in there and said, “I know what I’ll wear to The Presidential Address...........this slinky red number with the eye-catching, built in black bra

Ivanka, no one wants to see your bra strap during the Presidential address to both houses of Congress. It’s not a fucking family picnic, and you’re not in charge of the pie.

When I was growing up way back when, my Mom was a physical therapist who worked with a lot of Vietnam Vets, inside and outside the VA. The first really cataclysmic fight that my parents had over politics was just before Reagan was elected. My Mom (who was a Republican,) claimed that a lot of the Vets that had been

That Trump slandered the Khan family and the memory of their son should be brought up once a day, every day on MSNBC, “It’s been 211 days, 8 hours and 9 minutes since President Trump dragged a still greiving family through Hell.......” (Looking at you, Morning Joe. I SEE you, and I remember what you did during the

My husband was talking yesterday about the outrage during the Benghazi scandal versus how nonplussed the same Republicans are about Russia meddling in our election process. I wondered aloud how many Trump voters who site Benghazi as Hillary’s original sin would be able to tell you what country Benghazi is in, or what

If you dislike women and don’t care who knows it, you just hit “publish”.

I’ve been binge watching The West Wing on Netflix since about a week after the election, and am finally almost out of episodes. I actually wondered the other day if maybe I’d start from the beginning again after the last show. But that felt too sad to really consider.

Oh God. I wish I we’re younger, and a lawyer.

Ich bin ein you’re Jewish. Really? But somehow you’re ok with Steve Bannon, possibly one of the most infamous anti-Semites in the whole world. You do know what white supremacist means? It doesn’t mean “Jews Welcome”, whatever he’s telling you.

If the Democrats (and yes, I’m a Democrat,) had any brains at all, we would start screaming “Unify Us!” at the top of our lungs. Trump has no ideology, only feelings. If we were smart, we would plead for him to bring us together, since we are clearly the majority.

We’re all right there with you, bananabonkers until the end of this hayride gone terribly wrong.

Melania is in the little nap station that Trump had built into the Resolute desk in the Oval Office, ala something he saw George Costanza do on Seinfeld.

I’m not watching it tonight. I did DVR it though, to watch tomorrow. I just got through the David Remnick / New Yorker piece on Trump and Putin and that’s all I’ve got in me tonight. But honestly, if the Republicans think this is going to kill me, they’ve got another thing coming, those assholes. I can protest every

No! If we aren’t paying attention, then who is? Turn the radio back on.

“Scaramucci, you’re just a poor boy, nobody loves you.............”

I am absolutely 100% positive that’s the whole Republican cynical endgame. Everybody knows that he’s a lunatic who’s been compromised by Russia in some way, if not outright blackmailed. Just now the Russian stuff is as yet unproven and he’s a USEFUL lunatic to the Republicans, and if they can get their anti-social

Yeah, those are long sentences, but nothing that black kids selling pot wouldn’t be looking at, under the right Republican judge.

As someone who thinks that prison should be reserved for the very worst of society’s offenders...............I’m completely ok with their sentence.

My guess is it’s a lot easier to have some Secret Service agents watch as the meal is prepared.

God knows, I hear you....... But I don’t even want them to go to prison, at this point. I just want them stopped. I want them to go away. If all five of them spent the rest of their lives in paradise on Fiji I wouldn’t care as long as they had absolutely zero influence on OUR lives anymore.