
I said that America, not that I wasn’t ready for a woman as President, and that I wish it weren’t true, but you skewered me all the same. We have a difference of opinion. You still think our country is ready to be lead by a woman in the next election. I do not. I gave facts. I gave examples. You gave me back a gif of

The Confederacy never suffered after the war for its moral failings. Look at that legacy. When this is all over, if we’re still alive, let “Trump” be a word that deeply shames them, wherever they live.

Seriously, he’s got to go. He’s absolutely trashing the Constitution and the country. The Republican Senate is only keeping him around long enough to privatize Social Security and Medicare. Everybody knows this. Whether they act on it is a different, more embarrassing story.

I saw the first half of this stunner of a “press conference” but had to do other things and couldn’t watch it all. My husband told me about the second half while I was making dinner, and while every thing he told me was sincerely awful, when he got to the April Ryan part, I literally had to put my head down on the

Everything that Trump does registers on a scale of irritating to Holy Shit for me, including all of his cabinet choices. I tried to get through to both of my Senators about Betsy and Jeff, but apparently they’d given up answering the phone, at least a week before both confirmation hearings.

Just noticing lately that everyone says “Russia” and not “the Russian Government” when talking about the misdeeds of a fairly small group of people from there. Nothing against you specifically. I probably could have been clearer. I came of age during the height of the Cold War, and this stood out to me then, too.

They don’t want this opened up and investigated because they’ve had the same briefings as Trump, and they don’t want to be eventually tried for treason, as he eventually will be.

I only have an iPad and that’s pretty much a daily occurrence. Just click on the little “X” in the right hand corner, or wherever it is, as fast as you can.

He probably does, but you know that we Democrats are going to be cleaning it up, right?

Its right to vilify the Russisian Oligarchy, including the government, but the Russian people are a different story.

Just hold those hostages for a couple extra months until the actual day after I, St. Ronald Reagan, am President and then I swear to God, I’ll sell you all the weaponry I can. But you won’t use it against US, right?

The chant at every protest should be: “Republicans love their party more than America”, and “We are under attack! Republicans, won’t you fight?”

In the horrifying because it’s true category, can we also point out that there at least a couple dozen many-times-more qualified candidates for the Secretary of Labor position that should have been considered before this asshole? That they still decided on the guy with domestic violence in his easily verifiable

I’ve starred your replies more times than I can count. Casually, I agree with you.

I’m not saying ever. I’m saying not next time. Do you honestly think that Hillary didn’t win because she didn’t go to Wisconsin?

“Concern trolling” isn’t a term I’m familiar with.

So far there are two competing theories as to why McConnell did this.

I love Elizabeth Warren, and what was done to her on the floor of the Senate was so past the regular ugliness of politics, it literally knocked my breath out.

There is a great show on PBS called Independent Lens. A recent installment covered the William F. Buckley vs. Gore Vidal debates that aired on television during the 1968 political conventions. It supposedly was the beginning of punditry, and pundits arguing professionally on American media. It’s an amazing show, and

Yesterday, two men told a woman who was reading the words of another woman, to sit down and shut up. When I saw this, I felt like I’d been punched in the stomach. It was so ugly......