Maybe this will stop the "Doves are crying, RIP Prince" tributes. He was so much more than that song.
Maybe this will stop the "Doves are crying, RIP Prince" tributes. He was so much more than that song.
Kevin Smith has a great Prince story.
The fact that his mommy is taking out the ad to help him is very telling. He'll fail, but he lives in Bel-Air, so I am sure mommy and daddy can help him land on his feet. And now I'm depressed.
I love these and I am in the same boat. They are so cute and I have friends that swear that they actually hold stuff up, but these friends that talk about that have smaller chests.
Save yourself the pain. Skip the first one. The second one is way better - and more fun.
Parenting - you are doing it wrong.
Julia is wearing the wig in the hopes that we don't recognize that it's actually her acting in this piece of garbage.
Any newsroom (radio, newspaper, TV). Everyone flocks to the free food. You may not even like it, but it is better than paying for lunch.
I fly them because they are the only airline that flies direct between my home in Florida and my family in Indiana and Missouri. But I agree with you on all these points. But, when flying, direct trumps everything else.
Hey! Thanks for the Freddie Joachim recommendation. This is helping me get through the last bit of work today.
My son is under 30 and his name is not Brandon. But I feel like the name everyone has under 30 is Jackson.
DeNiro is an idiot about this subject for sure (fine actor, yes, but not a scientist), but I am actually more angry at the God awful Today Show, which gave him a platform to spew this nonsense when it has been WIDELY reported that vaccines do not cause autism.
Thank you for hating bacon and letting me know I am not alone.
Wrong. I really, really love that movie. And the Jon/Gillian scenes were my favorites.
Apparently, beautiful women ARE offered terrible, terrible movies.
Really? Because Bernie has won the last six of seven contests. So, I wouldn't necessarily say Hillary was "dominating."
Congratulations! I took seven weeks off as well and it went by in a blink. I wish I’d had more time before we had to put our little one in daycare. And I don’t know how many people can manage $1400/month for daycare. We manage $800 per month at ours and we are part of the 40 percent not getting any assistance to send…
Yes. And once you were a child and some non-breeders paid for you. You're welcome.
Rick Scott LOVES to tout how many jobs he has created for this state, when a lot of them who are companies thriving and would expand without his help. Meanwhile, he has weakened our environmental laws, refused to expand Medicare to help Floridians in need, tied Planned Parenthood up in frivolous lawsuits that the…
Yep - although I didn't shit. But I did have an episiotomy, which my husband likes to remind me was when he saw my doctor go in with scissors and cut the area between my vagina and my ass and then sew it up again.