
It’s like this dude saw the movie “Her” and decided to take it to the next level.

I work out on the regular and always have a hard time finding good headbands to keep my hair out of my face. I would wear the hell out of that headband.

Shopping at the mall, scoring a good deal - Royals. They're just like us!!!

I second this comment. I can't wait to read the entire Meryl biography!

It sounds like a great way to live, but it is also impractical for many people. I am all for simple living and I don't have a lot of stuff, but now sharing a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 1000 square foot place with my husband and son - I will need at least this much space if we move (and hopefully more to get me that second

They are dicks, but they also publicly apologized. So, less dickish?

Is it sad that I think that if this happened in the U.S., they would have shut the station down?

I have seen some improvement, but I am not ready to rush out yet. I also hope they fix their sizing. Every shirt that I have bought from Banana in the last year has been HUGE.

This absolutely disgusts me. Of course, Indiana (my home state) would do this - monkey with a woman's right to chose and determine what is best for her life and her family - rather than fix some of the glaring problems that could help people in the state. Fuck Mike Pence. No wonder companies and people don't want to

Selena is apparently not sick of that same old love.

This was my first thought, too. Then I remembered - I was in my 20s once. I made these horrible decisions regarding boys. And now I kind of feel solidarity with her.

Good for you for getting yourself and your daughter swim lessons. It is such an important skill to have. And, because kids LOVE water even if they don’t know how to swim, it could be life saving for your daughter. I live in Florida and drowning is the No. 1 cause of death for little kids here.

He said no, apparently over an issue with the script. Wish he would have said that about some of his other movies.

This is going to be terrible. But take my money already.

Good. One less vote for Trump.

Because they want a "cure" for their problem that is not eat less, eat better and exercise more. Why would I give up that ice cream or run five miles when I could put something on my waist and make it skinny?

I am so grateful that we have a president who gets it. My husband and I both have good jobs and a Costco membership and we constantly complain about the cost of diapers. I cannot imagine having to choose between feeding us and diapering our little one.

You obviously have never had to clean up piss and poop off a rug or the couch.

Blueberry pie. No other pie is superior.

Ultimately, does it matter? Sure, he did it, but he was tried and acquitted and he cannot be tried again.