Kate Cooley

True. The near-canonization of Michael Jackson in Hollywood is proof of that.

*headache* No, please.

Which totally doesn't explain the Amish lady I saw at WalMart today talking on a Smartphone.

I won't mind it at all - big fan.

I've had this discussion before (and that's a nice way to put it) with others on-line. I have to ask - does it matter that Soon-Yi "wasn't his daughter?" Everyone makes such a big hoofaroo about that when defending his sleezetastic choices, but in the end, does it make any difference if he was or wasn't her actual

My problem is that it's been SO pervasive. Even my son's English teacher "assigned" the class homework to watch it. "For the commercials." But this is football country, so… yeah. No.

He just needs a tail that keeps falling off… or an oven that keeps resetting itself.

I'm pretty bummed that Shirley's going home over Nick - he's very unimpressive IMO. Also, fake villainy is unimpressive. I hate when Top Chef does this - it's so out of place. Your inability to cook a potato should be the villain, not some made-up rivalry nonsense.

Abby… Someone.

The first Mel Brooks movie I saw and it's still brilliant. Even moreso when you hear all the stories. My favorite has to be one I gleaned from AMC running their special editions with the "pop-up video" type blurbs across the bottom:

Mel Brooks is a champion at landing a stealthy joke grenade. Part of that has to do with the fact that the first time you see his work, you're guffawing over half of them.

So, he's going to have to come up with a different script where everyone sits around eating and calling each other variants of the "f" word? ;)

Re-watched it again last night (my partner in food-show-watching missed it the first time) and aside from Nick's obvious disintegration into a puddle of hate and burnt quinoa, I noticed that they didn't even bother explaining *what* a po' boy was to the contestants. (I can see it's a sandwich, but I know there's more

Actually, I like her VMA performance of "Roar" better than the video. Still, I like Katy Perry more than I should like any popstar, which is to say "at all".

On the other end of this, I have a friend who still hasn't seen Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 and won't read the book until she sees it AND insists on everyone keeping spoiler-silent about it. She's continually disappointed by that, btw.

We got to the theater late enough to see "The Crying Game" that our party of 5 had to be split up. (but early enough to still see previews.) Three of us, myself included, were in the front row. Blam. That was a tall, tall tadger.

Nick's closing in on snapping soon. I get the feeling that's the only reason they HAVEN'T eliminated him yet. He's going to lose it BIG TIME and they want it on camera.

Agree totally. It just seems like this season, Padma's trying a little too hard to fit in with the Cool Food Kids. Every Quickfire, it's like she's trying out a new term that she heard them use once and she says it about 60 times, trying to make it seem like she has ANY idea what she's saying.

I have to agree. If she and Gail don't wind up duking it out on-screen, I'm calling a foul on editing. Every time they veer near each other, it just gets cattier and cattier.

OK, gotta agree. That Ice King/Marcy backstory came out of left field and was absolutely heartbreaking. What the hell. I'm here to see princesses avoid kidnap and bacon pancakes and someone wrote a seriously awesome story and jammed it in!