Kate Cooley

That's… entirely possible. Definitely voiced by a lady, but… I always thought Beemo was a dude. It wouldn't be a surprise, anyway.

So why couldn't they have offered a "girls line" of AT toys? Have Finn and Jake and the boys on one side, LSP and Preebo and Marceline and Lady Rainicorn on the other. Then everyone's happy. Or someone. Or no one. The point is, the girls toys always stink. Make them better, too.

No matter when or where, when "Les Toreadores" starts, my brain goes immediately to "Neither a borrorwer nor a lender be, do not forget, stay out of debt…" That show was gooney, but boy howdy did I love it.

Oh, I have seen it. Yikes. There are so many things about that one that… just… no.

Under the bridge downtown
Is where I took a nap…

It's not bad for free. Not bad for money, either. We wound up with both on DVD.

I think I need to lie down. RHCP appealing to an older audience. Oy.

OK, just a note - if you're "dispensing with most of the Hercules myth" and focusing on his relationship with his step-dad, you might as well not even call him Hercules. Besides, we had this already. *Points to young Ryan Gosling as Young Hercules, then remembers what THAT was like and stops pointing*

Sorbo's Herc was fantastically fun to watch. I don't know why they couldn't have made him the King at least. It would have given this at least ONE connection to A Hercules property.

I liked the first two (having a kid into these things is definitely a plus), so I'm game for this. Can we get a trip to Madame Tussaud's as well?

I'll catch you up. Ben Stiller is a dink, stuff comes to life, Hank Azaria does his Boris Karloff schtick and an octopus swims in the reflecting pond in DC. Cue up "September" by Earth, Wind and Fire and you're good to go! (Actually it was pretty funny. I'd recommend watching it for General Custer mangling

That went totally "Great Gazoo" in my head.

I don't know that I agree with the entry about The Who, but that aside, very interesting.

That's the second one. I remember having WHT (holy old crap, Batman!) and my babysitter putting that on for us (10 and 8) and then SHOOING us out of the room when the hookers arrived via helicopter. Which is funny as THAT wasn't OK, but the hour and a half of unrepentant slaughter was just fine.

For the bit with Judas Priest and the head-banging office guy, I'll have to agree. The Simpsons haven't been solid episodes, but occasionally there'll be bits like this that will make me shriek with laughter.

I don't think it was an example of Dumb Penny as much as it was Dumb Writing. Though they have made her slide down the "less intelligent" slope in later seasons. I know characters are supposed to develop and change, but this reminds me of what they did to Data on TNG - at some point, he's almost like a child instead

Love it. Love it so very much. I would watch the heck out of this.

There were a few moments of "huh? Um, no." on the show. No guy, seeing his girl needing reassurance, would deliver a blow like that. Especially not when she's drunk and depressed. Also, Penny's been pursuing acting for a LONG time. She doesn't know that scenes get cut all the time for a multitude of reasons? YouTube

This could be a great storyline! Penny gets a job that isn't waitressing and finds that not only does she like it, but she's scary good at it.

I dunno. I think it's a return to form for his character. He's uncomfortable with human interactions and emotions, but he's not incapable of them. "Please don't hurt my friend" was early on and I think this works in that simple, honest sort of way. He's kooky, he's abnormal and he's selfish, but he's still Leonard's