Kate Cooley

Stuart's mopery is his signature, but you're right. It doesn't need to be. At the end, I kind of want him to get snatched up by some big, flashy Sugar Momma. I'm sure either Linda Carter or Lucy Lawless could oblige for a one-shot guest spot.

He is. That show was a perfect example of it. There was just something joyful about him then. He dug it and we dug it. And he and Avery played off each other BRILLIANTLY.

There was always something that elevated "Fresh Prince" out of the mire that was ordinary sitcom-hood. James Avery was a big part of that. May flights of turtles sing thee to thy rest, sir.

Between him as JYD and Brad Garrett as Hulk Hogan, that show should've been a LOT better than it was.

Phil On Growing Up in Pre-Civil-Rights-Era Louisiana

I had that same reaction the first time I saw a commercial for this - it was Bea Arthur all over again. (As a kid, that was my first question upon seeing an episode of "The Golden Girls") I only hope this turns out as awesome as Bea did.

*lays down on ground, rubbing eyes with heels of both hands*

In the face of it, complaining to a fellow laborer probably wasn't a thing to do, as you point out. But to hear this dillweed talk about it, it's like "racism? What racism? They were fiiiiine."

Which, frankly, is what keeps it existing. Or at least part of what keeps it existing, in any case.

The part everyone ignores, because the anti-gay stuff stirred everything up quick, was the quote from him about how he never heard black people in the Jim Crow-era South complaining. Because they were happy with their lot in life.

I don't know about abusive inasfar as Homer is concerned - detached and uncaring, though, I'll go with. And I'll definitely agree that both The Simpsons and FG have gotten far away from their roots of Goofy But Caring Dad. That's definitely Bob's place now.

Our household fell in love with Bob's Burgers the second we realized that H. Jon Benjamin was Bob. Old-School Dr. Katz fans are we.

Jimmy Pesto Sr.

And now I'm picturing Gil as being the one having to transport the VHS tape from country to country, trying to remind them to share.

Because as a consumer, your dollar is your voice. If you don't like what someone gets up to in their non-professional life, you're allowed to not support their professional life. Boycotting people like R. Kelly and Michael Jackson and Roman Polanski may not seem like something useful, but if enough people do it, then

It's what makes AmDad so much better as a show. You can always tell when he's been asked for input because the show just veers into terrible.

That's what I got from it. "Look, we're like The Hangover! With poop!" No.

Acting is one hell of a thing - Jack Gleeson has got serious talent to make people hate on that character the way they do. The only non-acting video I've seen of him (and I know that there are more, but I've seen one) is of him playing snuggle-puss with a puppy. It's almost as if his agents were in panic mode "QUICK!

It may be. I tend to think that it's less "OMG! He raped her!" in the context of the movie and more "Whoops! You're not my boyfriend which I probably knew already because you're not built like him or dressed the same!" mistaken identity.

Only saw parts. It's bad enough to keep me from watching the rest. Because doing "guy comedy" doesn't work for women.