Kate Cooley

I'd replace "building" with "trampling", but you make a point. If it were done by someone not quite as hamfisted and terrible, it'd be a better thing overall.

It really warms my heart to see such disparate groups of people on the Internet band together to really take the piss.

Heyheyhey… he's Lizzie McGuire's dad, y'know.

A very good point. How can you take a screwball sex comedy and suddenly levy some kind of moralistic imperative on it. It's not as if Louis was lurking in the bushes and attacked her. It's a screwball sex comedy. Screwball sex happened. *shrug*

I swear, each of these Bowler Bros pictures makes me wish for some kind of New-York-City-based-shenanigans movie, If we could somehow wedge Christopher Lee in there, it'd be perfect.

Looking at the two of them on the show, I think Curtis has taken over "Amazed" and good ol' Bobby is wrangling with "despondent."

I was actually pretty surprised at how watchable it was. I was ready to hate it on sight… but can anyone really hate an enthusiastic Curtis Armstrong? Plus, he called Carradine "Bobby" every chance he got and that was for some reason hilarious to me.

And the buzzards they soar oooooverhead
And poisonous snakes will devour us whole
Our bones will bleach in the suuuun.

And Timmy still can't get a girlfriend!

Holy Jeez… how did I forget the Evil Dead remake? That was… *shivers* Just no.

They filmed it in Pittsburgh, so I had a moment of "HOLY CRAP, HEINZ FIELD!" as well!

Besides, of course companies are going to trample each other to get their products into blockbusters. They'd be crazy not to.

"Bambi" alone should have opened up a wormhole with all the concentrated comedy genius on hand.

A subjective list, I know, but really, there weren't any WORSE movies than Man of Steel this year? Both Gatsby and Bad Grandpa came out this year. Or at least the universally derided "Lone Ranger" flick (which I liked, but I may be the only one).

My guts are in pain from reading all the quotes in the comments and remembering how damn funny this show really is.

I still quote Neil's letter to his bank manager from time to time. "Darling Fascist Bully-boy…"

Ours were always the french-bread variety and only kind of warmed up at that. Still, Pizza Day was practically a school-wide festival for us. Pizza… and corn. Right up there with hamburgers and green beans.

That would be a typo, dear reader. ;)

I haven't eaten in an Olive Garden for YEARS. Their sauce was just WAY too acidic for my tastes. They're the Denny's of Italian restaurants, so I'll pass. And now a burger? Yeek.

That it was unrepentantly-perverted-and-amoral Quagmire was definitely part of the humor - if ever there was a character on that show that's one-note, it's him. But the irony of HIM of all people giving Brian a huge dressing-down was definitely nice. And agreed. Season 1 Brian would have had a martini in hand while he