Kate Cooley

When I first saw the trailer for "Misery", I had my HOLY GUACAMOLE moment because that was exactly the picture I had made in my head of Annie Wilkes while reading the book. And it freaked me out so much that I've never been able to watch the movie for fear of what else it got alarmingly right. That was one creeptastic

A tip of the ol' Police Cap to Mr. Gaynes. He was a stellar bumbler as Lassard and a top-notch fake Nazi in "To Be or Not To Be" with Mel Brooks.

Actually, she did. She got it better than the rest of us:

I dunno… I never thought it was that good. His work went on a steady downslide from "Roger & Me" which was the least offensive of his "stage-umentary" style films until it just came off like a big bunch of whinging.

OK, complaining about the stuff that shows up on the Internet is a guaranteed roasting on said Internet… but I was expecting better than this. Is anyone actually buying this crap? I make it a point of not shopping on The Handmade Disaster… I mean Etsy. Is Beyonce really that fussed about shoddily made crap that is

That might have been an interesting Christmas when they finally found out.

Not one of the best? I don't know about that. In our house, any discussion of money automatically requires a recitation "Where's da money? When are you going to get da money? Why aren't you getting da money now?"

Does it ever come up that they'll cut her off? I'm drawing a blank on that one.

It may have started out as a Cosby-jab, but Dr. Hibbert is OURS, dammit. Cosby-shenanigans or not, they can't take him. I doubt anyone consciously makes the connection while watching anymore.

I think somewhere he said that he based it on several female members of his own family…

I had Quatemalan coffee once and damn it if I didn't write that on the lid.

This is a superior film, but I've always felt that the kids were out of line, even in La Cage. It'd make more sense if the parents, seeing what their kid's fiancee's family is like, decided to do that for him on their own. Kids are embarassed by their folks, but it seems a poor fit to have a kid raised by these two

Actually, both were in the movie and both were awesome. "She Works Hard for the Money" was done in a thong.

These things are horrifying. My niece has one and it needs to be buried in a field that is then set aflame.

That's pretty heartening! Almost as if the whole thing wasn't a huge publicity thing… *shifty eyes*

Wow, really? My son loves the heck out of these, even as he gets older. And frankly, I flat-out can't stand Ben Stiller and I like these as well. Maybe because it guarantees he's getting slapped in the face by a monkey at least once per viewing. Most of the time, more.

What, not for "will give you adult night terrors just by viewing the still frame?" For shame, movie ratings fascists!

Am I alone in thinking that Chrisley HAD to be the guy from Bucky Larson in a fake reality show?

I remember loving this as a kid. Now, I'm unsure of how Martin Short ever got hired for comedy work. He's just not funny to me. Martin and Chase, forget it. Hilarious.

Watching this movie now is a fantastic guilty pleasure. I swear there are scenes where you can see the supporting cast roll their eyes.