Kate Cooley

And just in time for Thanksgiving. You rule, Lt.

I find that a lot as well. Not that FG was every specifically "nice", but it seems to be their go-to note as the show goes on. And it's kinda boring to watch, frankly. As viewers, we're always waiting for the jerks to get their comeuppance and there's none to be had - everyone's just a nasty jerk and that's all there

This is the best decision they could have made. Brian as a character was becoming more and more insufferable as the show went on. He started out as the voice of reason and then they decided to "flesh him out" into an obnoxious a-hole. One of my favorite clips is Quagmire bawling him out at the restaurant.

Love it. Love it. Love it. The best part? Snuka wearing a stone-cold face for the whole thing and then intoning "Are you making fun of me?" and setting Piper completely off.

You would not believe the noise that came from my house when they suckered us in with Bart the Lover and then gave us Nedna Part 1. What a ripoff. They're dying to get me to buy the DVDs and it's becoming a close thing.

One of my favorites that's not on anymore was "Gordon Ramsey's Cookery Class" - it showed you just how much he loves what he does.

THANK YOU! I really couldn't stand her for anything. Something about her just grated at me no end.

I do believe that's a "Kitchen Nightmares" special feature. "I'll come in and help this flagging restaurant get back on its feet… with my pecs!"

I love how sweet they are with the kids. Even when they're criticizing them, they're careful and kind about it. Who knew!

I'm kinda happy for the town, as no one should root for anywhere to go under. Whatever keeps them afloat is fine. It's just a shame it had to be something as atomically horrid as Twilight.

Hey hey hey… don't lump the rest of us in with Twilight moms.

I've had the urge to stomp on HIS bits for quite a while. He's insufferable.

My son's a hardcore Spongebob fan at 11 and I can't blame him. I'm a little over it, but if they were playing Looney Tunes, I'd be there every time. So I get it. Also, Tom Kenny is a genius. He and John DiMaggio are in EVERYTHING. I remember him doing stand-up back in the day and he kept me rolling on the floor. "I'm

When schools went to this tech-heavy initiative. Our 6th graders are REQUIRED to have laptops next year.

We all need to tip our hats to Mr. Larson for executing a real life Kobayashi Maru.

Ok, I actually now took the time to listen to it - so his problem isn't that it's absolutely grating? Yeesh. I hardly got through it with that irritating sax through it. Bleh.

And people are drinking.

I've always said that people who DON'T hit thrift stores just don't like their money. And then need to hire me as a life coach so *I* can take it. I've found more stuff at Goodwill than should be possible, which when outfitting Scouts with equipment, is invaluable.

I have to back everyone on the "so, you hate this because it makes you parent?" line of thought. I have an 11 year old. He doesn't have unlimited access to online resources because, frankly, I don't need him finding out that people pee on each other for fun. As his mom, guess what my job is - keeping him from having