Kate Cooley

*sighs wistfully* I think we need to strike up a campfire and reminisce. Remember when Mel Brooks did parodies and they were… what's that word again… oh, right. Funny.

Funny, I always think of this now:

I would love to see LoveSong as a feature! But only as long as HateSong continues. It's too good.

It's got the stink of "GRRRL POWER" all over it that so many things from the 90s had. I have the same tooth-gnashing hatred for that crap that I did for watching Lita Ford go from "SuperAwesome Guitarist" to "Chick in Bra Writhing on the Floor."

Seconded. I almost just typed "just because you can write a good song', but there's no instance of her doing that, either for her own band or for others. Her work is cloying and unoriginal. "Get This Party Started" may have been a big one for P!nk, but it was by no means memorable the way other songs of hers have been.

Oh my word. That's a crime against music. And what's with her insane face?

There are few songs I dislike with the intensity of this one. It's all 90s alt-self reflection and freakin' yodeling. That's the part that made me nerts. The yodeling. And the cookie-cutter grunge clothes.

Those are cornrows, but the lead singer is DreadCity.

As someone who's only peripherally aware of this series (no HBO, no Netflix, no desire to YouTube it), I knew this was coming. I read all the previews for the season, the foretelling of this coming. And then it aired and everyone lost their monkey over it. So I wanted to see how bad it was…

Agree completely. Movies have that great opportunity to do things on a grander scale and to me this is one well used.

Agree completely. Movies have that great opportunity to do things on a grander scale and to me this is one well used.

I wouldn't have a problem, except it was a direct set-up from the beginning. But then, so was the Soprano's ending and everyone lost their monkey over that, too, so… LOL

I wouldn't have a problem, except it was a direct set-up from the beginning. But then, so was the Soprano's ending and everyone lost their monkey over that, too, so… LOL

Waitaminnit… Good list (inspiring me to watch all these videos and get teary), but hold on a sec. I thought the point of the Titanic ending was that she DIDN'T die in her sleep. Early on in the film, she goes on about how she sees it in her dreams. "I can still smell the fresh paint. The china had never been used. The

Waitaminnit… Good list (inspiring me to watch all these videos and get teary), but hold on a sec. I thought the point of the Titanic ending was that she DIDN'T die in her sleep. Early on in the film, she goes on about how she sees it in her dreams. "I can still smell the fresh paint. The china had never been used. The

OK, that would probably get me in a seat at the theater. Wunderbar!

OK, that would probably get me in a seat at the theater. Wunderbar!

Power to the people *raises stake and hammer*

Power to the people *raises stake and hammer*

I'm a woman in my 30s. And no. Twilight is an abomination. A poorly written, poorly acted, poorly produced abomination. I shall dance in the streets at its finish, safe in the knowledge that no longer will there be 2-3 hours of people gazing at each other intensely trying to pass itself off as actual cinema. Vampire