Kate Bush Wacker

Why the fuck does a billion dollar industry like the NFL have such rudimentary technology? A cell phone with bluetooth is beyond this issue, and although there are a few “features” that are harder to set up for such a thing on what would amount to a cell phone conference call, the fact is that we should be way beyond

I’m overly leftist, a Democrat, and I live in the dream bubble that is Portland, Oregon. That said, I read the news, and I really don’t get the people who say we have to be more realistic about the General. Regardless of where Bernie is polling with blacks and other POC now, he’s a candidate who actually listened to

He also helped destroy Rudy Giuliani in 2008, referring to him as “a noun, a verb, and 9/11.” Perhaps his finest hour.

I don’t think it’s fair to judge from this interview. It’s Joe Biden’s first interview since his son died, can’t blame Colbert for not giving him hardball questions. Plus he got him to talk about all of the things you’d want to hear Biden talking about .


Biden might be bizarrely emotional and overtly sensitive. He might be prone to be awkward, unscripted, and opinionated. But I like the guy and wouldn’t mind having him beat the shit out of Trump in a dark alley.

Just like with Elizabeth Warren, Biden might be more effective “behind the throne.” Biden deserves a break. I’d like to see him continue to be in politics, rather than, say, the professional talk circuit. But he doesn’t need to be president to help change this country.

Her mom did a great job last year on Empire. She can act. Of course, she was acting high but still...

I’ll play rhythm for you on my redrum.

No, Ann Coulter is a professional troll. I bet this “Dear everyone in the world who isn’t me” chick means what she says.

Amazon has American Flag ones for $3.80. Let’s all get some!!!!

It's a great line. This woman has the right to say what she wants but other people are allowed to say when they disapprove.

She seems to be one of those people who have decided if they can’t be famous, they’ll be infamous.

She should check in on Tila Tequila and find out how that’s been working out for her.

It’s like someone gathered all the Republican candidates into a room before they all announced, and said “In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king...”

You should’ve been subscribing to my newsletter, “Men: They’re Perfect, So How Can We Bring Them Down With Baseless Accusations?”

I wish I’d known about all the sweet, sweet rape money back when I got raped. I’d be on easy street!

Personally I make up rape stories so people shower me with money.

That is a very, very tough race.

“Look at him and tell me what the similarity is.”