Kate Bush Wacker

It’s like watching a baby not quite take the first step, put pull herself up using a chair and standing up for the first time. It’s a slow process, but she’ll get there. I predict a slightly pro-feminist comment or statement from Kelly within the next five years.

Off topic but I love your username.

RE: Anxiety

IDK. The people who tried to talk me out of it did some serious mom-shaming and I had to dismiss them. I hate GM sometimes.

I also advised someone else yesterday not to do cheat days/rewards. Losing weight should be the reward for eating healthier, it’s a logical progression. Instead, feed your cravings in moderation (still avoiding trigger foods if you can). I bought a pint of Cookie Butter ice cream *heavy breathing* while grocery

She is such an unbelievably smart, wonderful, totally badass woman. I don’t know if you’ve seen what she’s been doing since she left here, but she’s truly amazing. Also, her current Twitter bio is basically my favorite thing:

He got a religious exemption because he worships Chronos.

Speaking of parents, let’s hope for his sake he doesn’t turn to his biological father and become super bro Biebs again. Also let’s hope for his sake he doesn’t turn to hardcore drugs to try and find his way, cuz the world already had Lindsay Lohan, we don’t need 2.

This comment disturbs me for some reason, but I can’t quite put my finger on the reason.

It’s all about the protein. Shoot for 90g daily and always eat the protein first during your meals. Also, drink half your weight in water. This will make a big difference I promise!

Chapped everything - dust gets inside everything and there is no amount of lube that will fix it.

Joyless shitpail full of used toupees is a nice, neutral name for him =)

Aww. Maybe you’re just nicer than me! I’m English and was therefore raised in a culture of gymnastic invective.

May I be of assistance?

Ha, I was wondering if anyone would notice it was just me posting. WHAT A DAY. (The answer is no, I took most of last week off to hang out with my family and volunteered to work today, it was fine, we’re all fine, dear God I would like to go outside so much.)

“Seriously. Make an effort, God.”

Bieber wept.

This is the culmination of the Christian Persecution Complex right here; the discriminating bigot is the martyr.

This will prob form the basis of Franzen’s next Great American novel