Kate Bush Wacker

Mmmhmm. There’s a musky scent in (mostly) men’s cologne that, if I get a whiff, goes straight to my head. And by head I mean vagina. Man or woman, you're courting danger if you get within wafting distance.

“On second thought, let’s not go to Camelot. ‘Tis a silly place.”

Once again I take these derogatory, defamatory and discriminatory threats against both Camelot and myself personally very seriously and will take legal action if necessary

No doubt! It looks like an abandoned building in Detroit.

We’re all crazy in our own ways, but successful business owners check their craziness at the door. Tempted to go online to air your seething grievances against CUSTOMERS? Check it. Tempted to subject customers to your bizarre, hyper controlling emails? Check it. Tempted to start flame wars on Yelp? Check it.

Wow. Run, don’t walk, so much crappiness from the director.

I LOVE the state of education in modern America.

So did anyone else have a riddiculous embarrassing teenage email address that they used for longer than was in any way excusable?

Yes, there are even feminists who will preach the message of ‘women need to dress and present themselves in a more modest ‘respectable’ manner so males will act right’ as a ‘feminist’ message, when it’s really just the same old slut-shaming and victim-blaming. It’s definitely a message women have internalized across

This really resonated with me. I do not feel straight at all. I mean, I am incredibly uncomfortable with male attention. I prefer women in basically any aspect of my life. But, I am in a long term relationship with a man that I love and I have had more boyfriends than girlfriends (of the romantic type. Female friends

I used to show horses and often brought my corgi dog to the show grounds. Usually he was in stall with a bunch of the other barn dogs. But one time I was there to spectate/cheer on a barn mate so I brought him ringside. This woman was a new rider and very timid, so our trainer wanted us to show support,

I’d feel better if a) most of my friends weren’t in the bridal party so I had someone to stick to, and b) I didn’t know that one of the people going is someone who kinda massively hates me and I’m worried we’ll end up having a knife fight in the car park and I don’t know what shoes to wear to a knife fight.

No, it was about ethics in video game journalism

So many stars...

You are definitely one of those. She can say whatever the fuck she wants about the damn relationship up to and including whether or not she wants to acknowledge its existence. As long as she’s not exposing anyone’s intimate details it is just damn fine.

Not a dude?

Ok. On it. Just making some coffee and settlin’ in.

I’ve been thinking about writing some Kinja blog posts about basic feminist issues, because it’s occurring to me that people actually DON’T KNOW. I don’t know why this took so long as I zombie bite newb girls with the feminist virus on a yearly basis at Uni, and revel in the turning, but it’s striking on Jez.