Cynical Brit

That's the question of the century, isn't it? I don't think flaunting your sexuality is a feminist act, per se, but at the same time, I don't condemn women for doing it and I don't think people should be so harsh on women who do it, meanwhile when men are naked or half naked, no one says anything.

I was lucky enough to date a Brazilian Cristiano Ronaldo doppelganger (down to the abs and butt). And yes - I did make him buy and wear a Ronaldo Man U jersey for sex. He didn't speak English and I didn't speak Portuguese but it is amazing what barriers lust and pidgin Spanish can overcome.

Grad school, winter break I go to visit a friend from college. We end up crashing at her boyfriend's place one evening. Her boyfriend's roommate was a Marine, had just gotten back to the states after being deployed for over a year.... Yada, yada, yada, the sex was good but having a man eat out your pussy after he's

I love how the Goopster has lowered the bar so much that Ms. Jolie even displaying the most basic level of rudimentary self-awareness is applause worthy.

Okay, did anyone at Inquisitr or Jezebel read the actual study? Because the authors themselves don't even claim that thyme oil is more effective than ibuprofen. They say that "Reduction of pain severity was not statistically significant between the two medications, however it was significant for each drug compared

I have a prescription for sex toys: I have what's known as Congenital Genital Syndrome (CGS). Instead of being born like a barbie doll and engaging in normal stork-based reproduction, I was born with genitals and have to reproduce in a way that makes Jesus have a sadfase =(

Right? That poor last guy, she could have at least matched his "rock on" excitement instead of looking like she wished he'd just evaporate.

I understand you don't want to be touched like I hate that too but at least look like you don't loathe their existence, Avril.

It's amazing that anyone would want to be photographed with Lavigne. Granted, I've never been to Brazil, but I assumed they had a 6 hour time difference. I didn't realize it was 2002 down there.

They're white, so there's that.

That's not totally fair. Some are also anti-women.

First of all, Lily Allen, you're an asshole.

Now playing

That has been one of my goals since this happened:

Here's what I posted on i09 this morning:

Faking orgasms and then complaining that your partner isn't good in bed might be the single most ridiculous thing you can do in a relationship.


Pineapples aren't crunchy fruit, angry guy. Seriously, as a fellow misophone, I understand the irrational rage, but you've got to tamp it down.

So this is the thing that teen girls are into? I don't get it, man. I mean he's British, right? so I get that. but there are better options.

Me too. And I quit watching their movies and tv shows, which is odd since I have actually purchased two Chris Brown songs this year. So being an abusive douchelord > being a scientologist in my head.

It's technically bigoted I supposed, but whenever I find out a famous person I thought was cool is a Scientologist my soul weeps. Jenna Elfman!? No!!!!