If only he’d set up a trust, he could have saved his family all the infighting and a large amount of tax.
If only he’d set up a trust, he could have saved his family all the infighting and a large amount of tax.
But was he 3 inches erect or floppy? that is the question.
They ate limes known as limes, We wanted lemons but nobody would sell them to us due to our general dickery.
The fact that Meredith is a woman’s name and Rasheed is a mans, could surely be a really important variable here?
Oh, I thought he said “I didn’t do it.”
Some women do indeed like rape porn or BDSM and while there is nothing wrong with rape play or BDSM porn, I have never seen a single one of James Deans video labeled or advertised as such, The ones i’ve seen are tagged as women friendly, Without those tags marking the vids as fetish all his porn does is normalize rape…
We have the middle ground in Britain, You guys don’t want it believe me. You see our waiters get paid at least minimum wage, Meaning our food is comparatively expensive. Tipping isn’t mandatory, But it doesn’t really feel optional either, So pretty much everyone tips on the 10% mark, Making us feel both like we’ve…
These are 4 dollar margs, If you Think the had the correct amount of tequila and triple sec, You’re naive. They definitely shouldn’t have been driving, But might not have needed cutting off.
Thank you for giving me a new life long fear...
Wouldn’t that be inhaled?
I tend to think “Why the fuck are periods talked about as the worst part of being a woman? This is a million times worse than any period.”
Can we make Blow Job Legend a thing please?
This is why a wage (if you can call it that) based on the price of what you are serving makes no sense. It’s harder to serve say a hundered dollars in chicken wings and beer than a 100 in steak. Just pay people for doing their jobs America.
I know right?!!! God it was awful, and it made no sense.
This popped up on my grandmothers facebook feed the other night, along with text of Obama asking Michelle to pull over and take a photo of him. She asked what was supposed to be funny. I said “Well it appears to have been photo shopped, 69 is a sexual position you see..” Ahh she said.
Surely it’s more like The Giver? God that was a piece of senseless shit.
I think other might mean no kids between 2 and 12, because they’re the ones that will fuck everything up.
Personally i’m never really that concerned with how it looks, But how it feels. Very hairy pits just feel unpleasant to me and If my pubes grow out too much they start sticking through my underwear which just feels horrible. I tend to just keep it trim most of the time, and if i want to remove some it’s hair removal…
I would say this is why grown up rescues are a risk, It’s easy to think they were all given up out of boredom or laziness. But a lot have real behavioural problems that can be down to many things, Like mix of breed or their former environment differing greatly from their new one.