Wait! How did you break in to the beluga exhibit? What did you do when you got in? I bow down to your GS badassery. Also, did you go to GS Jamboree up in Woodstock, IL? Those platform tents, that icky pond....
Wait! How did you break in to the beluga exhibit? What did you do when you got in? I bow down to your GS badassery. Also, did you go to GS Jamboree up in Woodstock, IL? Those platform tents, that icky pond....
My brother joined the VFW. He's 33 and served in Iraq. He goes to group counseling at the local VA and he tells me he's surrounded by Vietnam vets. He's the only Iraqi Freedom vet in the group. He says its awkward because all the Vietnam Vets talk about retirement and my brother is worried about career and getting…
I was just discussing with a coworker how influential I felt Girl Scouts had been on my development as a child and young teen. I dropped out after 7th grade due to a family move overseas. Anyway, although I still hate camping, I really feel like GS contributed to my development as a moral person. It makes me sad to…
This is a helluva train wreck.
I can tell that I live in a liberal bubble. Virtually no one on my FB feed has posted anything about Deen. And I am thankful. She is gross. Her words are gross, her thoughts are gross and her food is gross. Deen is not that old. She was a teen during the Civil Rights movement. She should know better that to wax poetic…
I don't think they are a couple right now, but perhaps in the past.
How has Bob undercut Peggy and Joan? It appears as though he is friends with Joanie. I agree that Bob is playing a long con, much like our pal Don, but I'm not sure it's an issue of talent. Bob has not expressed a desire to work on creative, only that he feels inspired around them. Also, I think he has some friendship…
Did you watch last week's episode. We found out a lot more about Bob Bensen, that probably explains your uneasiness with his character.
Tell me about it. One of the main drags in D-Town was spelled El Dorado and pronounced "eldoraydo." :| iInteresting is a good way to describe that part of the world.
Well, have you been to Southern Illinois?
I think I'm going to make this pie.
The Mr. and I just spent a good 5 minutes laughing at "Beyond Kino". If I had farted on him on our first date, I think he would've immediately proposed. What can I say, we have the maturity of 8 year olds.
The doctors at UCSF say that they would just want me to wait a year before getting pregnant. That's only if I end up donating. I am not a blood match, and while I am a good candidate for a non-ABO compatible transplant, obviously we'd prefer a blood match donor first. We shall see. My husband's GFR puts him at stage…
Well, as long as Weepy Patricia isn't one of the designers...
Thank you!
The only gifts we received off-registry were 2 handmade pieces of art (one was a glass cake plate made by my SIL), and a really pretty, red ceramic salad bowl. My kitchen already has a primary color vibe, so no biggie. I could see where it might frustrate some people, but in the end, a wedding shouldn't be a gift grab…
The only wedding-related event that a gift is "required" is a bridal shower. You are "showering" the bride with gifts. Otherwise, STFU and be grateful that people were nice enough to give you a wedding gift. A wedding is not a pay-for-play event. The basket-giver, while assholish in his comments regarding…
I live in the Bay Area, but my parents are from Philly, and all of my extended family still lives in Philly/South Jersey and up along the 95 corridor. I spent every summer of my youth split between the Poconos and the shore. Anyway, my future SIL is a Bay Area native, and when she put her shower invite list…
I have some friends that are firmly in the "babies are assholes" camp.
You win!