Goddamn it. The sexist producer and the quasi anti vaxer. Jesus Christ.
Goddamn it. The sexist producer and the quasi anti vaxer. Jesus Christ.
Ugh. I didn’t care for her at all.
The first Mummy is the closest we’ve come to replicating the Indiana Jones films, and Fraser is a big reason why his character comes off as charming and romantic rather than an insufferable douchebag.
Charismatic, big puppy dog vibe too. He’s very hard not to like. It’s nice to know it’s genuine.
I rewatched The Mummy Returns recently and anybody who can make a movie with bones that bad into something really pretty entertaining deserves all the career success. (No discredit to Rachel Weisz, who is also better than that movie deserved)
I do really appreciate that opinion. Of the movies I’ve seen that people would consider “greatest of all time” I’d bet I watched all of them on TV and not in a theater.
“Listen, movies don’t last because they’re seen on the big screen,” he says. “Movies last because they’re seen on television. Jaws isn’t still a classic because people are watching it in theaters. I’ve never seen Jaws in a movie theater. It’s one of my favorite movies.””
Yeah, this guy has roots in B-movies, so it was nice to hear a not snobby take on how “people won’t understand my vision!”
And what he said about Jaws is a great point.
I do appreciate Gunn’s non-snobby opinion about movie theater vs. TV.
I think a lot of that has to do with her self-awareness. For years Harley played by the rules. She was a gymnast, which requires a lot of discipline (I am remembering that correctly, right?), then got her PhD, which requires a lot of discipline, then when she cracked and got attached to the Joker, she was his sidekick…
I didn’t check the credits but I’m pretty sure Sebastian was played by the same rat who saved the day in Endgame.
That scene, coming when it did and how it did, let me know that Gunn had the best understanding of that character when compared to the other two films. Which means Robbie probably had a LOT of input in the film.
[Minor spoilers for the movie are a-comin’.]
It’s great for the character though because he’s got such a warm, pleasant voice normally that it’s always a hilarious shock when he goes into screaming bloodlust mode.
I think the key to the Harley Quinn series is that they treat their main characters as generally smart people with twisted sensibilities. There was one scene with Harley, Ivy, Dr. Psycho, Clayface and King Shark together, and someone points out that among them they have three PhD’s.
A lot of the endearing charm of the series’ King Shark is in large part due to Ron Funches’ voice work.
BLURST. Also I love King Shark in the animated series.
Legitimately told everyone I know to watch this show; it is fantastic. James Adomian’s Bane is a delight every time he speaks
White Guy Starts Hosting Search, Concludes He’s The Best For The Job, Blindsided By His Own History Of Lawsuits, Decides Best Course Is To Mansplain Accusations From Women