
The guy who finished 21st out of 20 drivers last year would still find a way to lose.

That show was incredible — batshit in the best way possible. I’d have loved to get years more of it (imagine the dot com bubble storylines!), but at least the finale wrapped things up reasonably well. I’d really like to see Don Cheadle in more comedy.

Mosby gained a lot of popularity after the charges against the cops who murdered Freddie Gray. I was at a march that day and there were dozens of signs praising and thanking her. A couple weeks later I went to the Prince concert and he brought her up on stage. Despite the reputation that gave her, Mosby isn’t a

Kate Bishop’s Hawkeye as Hawkeye for Halloween, Hawkeye vs. Deadpool.

I’m completely biased in that I’ve loved UConn basketball for years and cheer for them over my own alma mater, but fuck Kim Mulkey.

Reilly from Letterkenny! I hope Shoresy shows up as a ref for the big game.

I don’t know if it’s the actor or the character Robbie I can’t stand, but either way, he sucks. The Daniel’s daughter also became a lot more annoying and less interesting as soon as they started spending time together. Leave him in juvie and let’s move on.

Don’t sleep on his replies.

Adding Elijah Cummings’s book to my to-read list immediately. He was my congressman, and I really miss him. 

I started watching Harley Quinn this week (I just got HBO Max), and watched the first season in two days. Now I’m going back and watching season one again, because my husband walked in during a scene with Bane and was like “I’m in.” I’ll probably try to space season two out a bit more, but no promises.

I drove a 2007 Fit for 11 years, and it was still mechanically solid when I traded it in for a 2018 Fit. It had about 160,000 miles on it by then, and while it looked like it had been through hell (it pretty much had), the thing ran great.

My husband has a pickup, I have a Fit, and in a lot of ways the Fit has been just as, if not more useful for cargo. It fits all the stuff you wouldn’t want to put in a truck bed— dogs, music gear, etc. I could also fit my bicycle in the hatch, which always impressed people when I loaded/unloaded it at trails. 

The podcast “Worst Year Ever” did a pretty excellent two-part episode on the Furries’ Fight Against Nazis trying to take over their fandom. It does a great job humanizing furries, rather than the usual “look at the freaks” angle most people take. 

Marching in Baltimore this weekend, I kept coming back to 2015. May 1, the day Marilyn Mosby brought charges against those cops, we marched in celebration. That day the crowd was joyous and full of hope, because someone in power was actually doing something, and maybe this time, there would be actual consequences.

I think it’s an illusion of control thing. I’ve seen a lot of victim-blaming women do it to victims of sexual assault. “That would never happen to ME, because I would never put myself in those situations,” trying to pretend that people get assaulted and raped drunk or sober, however they’re dressed, etc. 

White people need to stop thinking they’re fucking Batman and cut the vigilante act

I’m still in the mindset of pregnancy “scare” as in, it’s a bad and terrifying thing to possibly be pregnant. And I assume everyone else still thinks that way too.

The only reason I knew it was coming out this weekend was because I follow Gail Simone on Twitter. 

My mom had four kids and didn’t breastfeed any of us. Her reasoning was that she had just spent all those months pregnant, feeding her kids with her body. Now it was time for my dad to share in that responsibility, as well as have the chance to bond with the kids.

How dare you! We keep our pot in the living room-- on the kitchen counter would just be gauche.