Kat ACMilanista

It's hard enough that the law views your beloved pets as property but to have them compared to lost luggage is just awful and yet another reason I won't fly with mine.

Good god that sounds horrible! I went to a Maury Povich taping and I got so bored of having to clap and pretending to be excited every 5 minutes for DNA results. I can't imagine how much it sucked having to pretend clap for a band that wasn't even there! I do watch Conan almost every night but my favorites are the two…

It's not talk, Conan is moving to a weekly format and he's also developing something else, I think weekly. One of those will be based on his bad video game playing segments

Ok mr smarty pants

Good I like Netflix so much better and now I'll be able to delete the Crackle app since CiCGC was the only thing I watched on it


Who played the hunk? He looks familiar but isn't listed on IMDb

Yeah even with your downloading, it was easy back then. Now you have to watch the news every night as homework so you can understand the SP plot. Note I said plot and not jokes because they're vanishing….

I miss the funny show about a bunch of fourth graders who told jokes all day and went on adventures.

This is adorable! I never would have thought that he could draw

Love You Dave!!

No problem

You absolutely are. Go find a medical diagram so you know where they are

Where did her collarbones disappear to? She's morphing into Mama June territory

Why did I expect these idiots to say anything intelligent and stick to the point?

This is my favorite!!!!

I didn't even find her mask thing amusing. She's a grown ass woman freaking out over a child's toy.

Ok finnnne now I hate her less

And that makes it less gross?

Why, thank you!