But you've showed us your gross cootch a million times on Girls and you wrote a book about fingering your baby sister so who's the real violated one here?
But you've showed us your gross cootch a million times on Girls and you wrote a book about fingering your baby sister so who's the real violated one here?
I'll take sleazy over cheesy any day
Nailed it
I hate what Times Square has become. You don't even feel like you're in NYC anymore. You could be in any generic world city. I was in my teens when I'd roam the city and when I saw a porn shop I'd just giggle and walk fast. I don't know if they were bad or not but at least you knew it was NYC!
I remember reading this story over a year ago and someone posted a link in the comments to a website of most dangerous amusement parks, maybe even haunted. The website had a black background and I believe the parks were listed by state. Can anyone please help me? The site was absolutely hysterical and I've been…
But if Girls is about a mentally ill woman who everyone shuns because she's too annoying to deal with and we watch her slip through the cracks and then after she is formally diagnosed (and hopefully treated) everyone feels like shit then… I guess I'll have to take all my mean Hannah hating tweets back and forgive my…
He was a marine
You're right. If it was that kind of show then last weeks episode would have Marnie freaking out while taking an HIV test because she knew Charlie was lying when he said he was diabetic. I mean really? I'm still waiting for her to go to a 24 hour clinic in a complete panic.
*ahem so do girls. Tried it once, the first time I swerved I said that's enough are you effing crazy wait until we get home.
Lol yes and I know exactly which scene that "what??" Is from!! It has stuck with me too!
Thank god I'm not the only psycho who hate watches this. I can never tell what's supposed to be funny and what's a message social justice warrior Lena Dunham is trying to convey.
You don't think he was great in Blue Jasmine? I love the guy and and am so happy he's back. It seems like the perfect time for him.
Sweet! So donut holes have no calories take that Weight Watchers!
Thanks I really didn't want to give up on it and you said exactly what I was hoping to hear!
Yes yes that's what it was! It premiered the day after something horrible America did that was too close to the plot for me to stomach. I had forgotten, that's why I couldn't watch. When I tried again I found it boring but I'll give it another shot.
Hi I just came for advice. The first episode of this season didn't grab me and I haven't watched since. I hate to give up on Homeland so is it worth it to watch this season?
Omg stop talking you're analyzing it to death. It's a movie. It doesn't have to fit what you think a movie set in a record store has to be. Someone else wrote it. Someone else had a different idea than you and thank god because the whole ride is tons of fun and gives me perfect nostalgia of my teens.
Oh my god. Oh my god! I just read your review and I'm like hmmm what's this Grey Gardens? Luckily it's on YouTube. OMG. It's real! At least the beginning scene of Sandy Passage is almost shot for shot!! I am so happy I'm watching them in this order. I had nothing to go on so I found Sandy Passage hilarious on its own…
I never even heard of Grey Gardens but now I need to see it because I could not stop laughing during this entire episode!! Everything was brilliantly creepy!