
I wrote the bulk of my masters thesis with those movies in the background. I explained to my advisor (who also loves them), that the plot is so simple that you don’t have to pay much attention and know what’s going on, and the movies are very pretty aesthetically.

Yeah? Feminists blame the beautiful, needy, aggressive young women for their affairs?

Ding ding ding! Remember when he “fired” Lewandowski?

This is Dump’s/his advisers’ attempts to placate Kelly after that shit festival of a presser; to lose Kelly now would be a disaster after Mooch and they know it. Bannon’s going home to sit on top of pile of money and blog contentedly to his suckboys.

Yep. Normalization of the regime because too many Republicans were leaning toward impeachment, and the ability to distance himself from the neo-Nazis without actually having to apologize for supporting them or changing his support. Just wait.

Absolutely agree. He will be operating Trump from behind the curtain. The Wizard of Oz is Bannon.

This is Lewandowski Pt. II and we’re all gonna lose.

Seriously. Thump is the common denominator. I’m just looking at this as an opportunity for republicans to continue to divide themselves and eat each other alive.

Agree with this. He’ll still be Trump’s unofficial advisor, he’ll just be doing it through Breitbart News.

Nothing to celebrate, nothing by which to be amused, no need for high-fives or Dom Perignon for errrbody. This will not erase the fuckery of the past week let alone the past 8 months. If Gorka packs up with Bannon it still won’t matter. Bannon’s not going on unemployment, he’s not going hat-in-hand looking for work,

Thing is, there has been leaks that there has been fighting between Bannon and Trump. Lots of fighting. Trump didn’t want Scaramucci gone. Bannon did. So, Trump listened. However, Trump could have really used Scaramucci last Saturday to help Trump deal with what happened with in Virginia. (You don’t look at a known

I think the only person who is unconditionally happy about this is Jared.


Agree. Bannon isn’t so much pro-Trump as pro-chaos and instability.

Exactly. And also? Trump has a track record of still being in close contact with the people he’s fired. So his influence is really just moved to texts.

Exactly. This is not a positive step.

“The Liberal Agenda Fake News Media forced him to do this!”

Agreed. Just cause he’s technically out doesn’t mean his influence is going away or ya know, Trump himself isn’t just as evil.

Kind of how I see this too. Something is afoot.

This. Totally. Bannon is the sacrificial racist lamb among a whole pack of ‘em that are still there.