Look, I think Joe Jonas seems like a twerp, and his habitual demeanor reminds me more than anything of someone waking up from general anaesthesia, but let’s not take weird swipes at his height - that’s shitty.
Look, I think Joe Jonas seems like a twerp, and his habitual demeanor reminds me more than anything of someone waking up from general anaesthesia, but let’s not take weird swipes at his height - that’s shitty.
Shiv perfectly captures white feminism, she both is disadvantaged and benefits from the patriarchy by aligning herself to its values. There was, especially this season, a dismissal of Shiv that was rooted in her gender almost every episode. If you missed that, that’s your own blinders.
This. They know how to PRETEND to be smart, say the corporate buzz words at the right time, but when the rubber hit the road and they had to make an important decision,v they reverted back to children.
In reality you can replace “This woman” with literally any GOP scumbag and statement applies. Sure some stand behind their abhorrent views more than others, but not one of them has the backbone to truly speak their minds in every situation. They’ll pick and choose when to go quiet, when to contradict prior statements,…
How about: Don’t buy facebook’s shit.
How about: Don’t buy facebook’s shit.
No lie, if drake can get called out for some predatory shit for texting MBB, we gotta do the same to her.
I realize that everyone is focusing on doja but shouldn’t we also be discussing the fact that the person who wrote this is not only also weirdly fantasizing about a child but also in all likelihood even older than doja?
Bingo. Reverse the genders and this article becomes all about “grooming.” Jezebel’s hypocrisy has never been in doubt but this is rather blatant even for this site.
Agreed in re: vibes from Schnapp. He seemed more bewildered than anything else. You can google Stranger Things cast and click your way to Quinn’s social media stuff. Is Doja that bad at the internets?
DM sharing is not cool, but it seems yall are overlooking the fact that Doja was being a real creep in the first place. And then to embarrass the kid like that on stage is just frankly a cunty thing to do.
This all damn day. Doja sent an unsolicited DM to a teen asking for help hooking up with his co-worker. Dude. This is the problem. Also, it’s 2022 and she’s still out here assuming that internet messages are private. This is the embodiment of “play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”
Maybe, but we love to see accountability for rising movie stars who typically go on to be entitled fuckboys, and this is probably a good way for Schnapp to learn not to violate a woman’s privacy. If a little shit shared my DM slides, I’d probably be pissed too.
I’d be gobsmacked if his multiple declarations against modern science in recent months didn’t have something to do with it.
“I just wasn’t reaping the publicity benefits of continuing this PR creation any longer” said at least one party in the arrangement
Dude, it’s not your opinion that’s under fire. You lied about your vax status and then hung out with people. What about those people’s right to choose to hang out only with vaccinated people? You shit all over them.
Pratt Wife 2.0 looks at Chris the same way my sister’s dog looks at me when I have Beggin Strips in my hand.
Maybe Kim just needed some dick after last 10 years.
Either you get it or you don’t. Unfortunately, I love men with mediocre tattoos and would climb him like a tree.