I love SJP's dress unabashedly. Katherine Heigl's, notsomuch.
Why men cheat? Same reason that women do: because they want to.
@PhillyLass: I will be happy to have my passport spelled upside down.
@Vivelafat says Sweep the leg, Johnny.: He should have been asking her first what turned her on.... oh, who am I kidding, that would only take place in Bizarro World.
Jules' country is *not* my country.
@Hortense: Well, naturally nothing is his fault.
Oh, man. How humiliating. I feel bad for Elin.
@Callipegian: You totally articulated perfectly what I was just about to comment on myself, so thank you.
@hydrogen_jukebox: Hahaha, I was SO about to post that he must have given lessons to Charney. Two ultimate sleazeballs.
@lucysnowe: Absolutely. You can end a relationship without everything leading up to the break-up being false or being rewritten.
@Chamalla,barren crone: Between that and your nym, I'm pretty sure we're separated-at-birth twins. Big <3
@sara-without-an-h: THAT's what matters!
I could not care less about 99% of celebrity relationships, but they seemed down-to-earth, sharp, and emotionally invested in each other. Bummer.
@victoriasauce: I know, right? I saw that pic this morning on the news and was incredulous.
@esthergreenwood: Me, too. He's made of awesome.
@labeled: CRAZY AUNT KANYE: Right? I'm starting to have a non-grudging , actual admiration for this girl.
@lollilove: Miranda's my favorite.... yet every straight guy I know favors Charlotte.
@Vivelafat says Sweep the leg, Johnny.: Reminiscent of no mention in the Valentine's Day trailer of Bradley Cooper's character being gay. Studio exec: "OMG! No one wants to see *that*, so we'll leave it out of the trailer".
@femme-bot: Me, too... 'cause that's ME.