
Hey Siamese.Citys, I thought I should try to help you understand and explore Warhol (and other artists) because it sounds like you’d be open to learning more. This, in turn, might transform your agitation with certain art movements or artists into interest or wonder, and who could argue with that? =) The thing is,

Your position seems to be that anything an oppressor appropriates and manipulates becomes theirs alone, and the oppressed need to surrender that thing rather than try to reclaim it and preserve its integrity. That’s just wrong.

OF COURSE he was taken alive. Guy guns down 9 people in a church, but he is white so he isn't too dangerous to take alive.

See this makes me wonder, was she ever trying to pass? Or did she just hang around Black people for long enough that people just started assuming she was Black and she never bothered to correct them?

We need a Lifetime movie to sort this hot-ass mess out. I suggest casting Emma Stone, she’s the only actress who could

Pull up a seat, Maggie!

She didn’t even get a Last Fuckable Day party.

Yes, if you are so politically correct and super sensitive as to think that a crack about stripper fashion being tacky (which it indubitably is) is synonymous with being “whorephobic,” and ALSO so stupid as to not realize that you’re committing an even greater offense by equating strippers with whores, then you are a

And yet Beyoncé is the only one on the list to dance in front of a feminist sign and capitalize on a pro-woman message to sell records. Hence why the internet is roasting her bejeweled ass today.

I like that you “showed your ass” without actually insulting anyone else in the thread or resorting to name calling. Hmmm

But, yeah, the person is arguing that people who make choices that undermine their positions/ideologies my only be judged on those choices in specific spaces. I can buy things from a reputable homophobic retailer, but you can only talk shit about that choice when I am making those purchases or espousing my support for

How can you be so sensitive as to think that a joke about stripper fashion is synonymous with demonizing sex workers, and yet then turn around and throw a gendered insult at the woman who made it?