WITCH, please!

Well, at least she (Hillary) picked a person of color, Herman Kaine.

Seems the orange satan has a bit of ep-stain” on billie b’s back-side
Also, many white folke goin’ be a-warsh-in’ their clothes today
Just a-tryin’ to warsh-out’ that “ep-stain” as in
Warsh-on, warsh-off, warsh-on...

The words in your ending paragraph - ring true - and deserve repetition:

Extra butter and syrup (for you) for cooking-up that most-delicious phrase:
“...flip like a pancake...” - Thank you!

After that(your) $100,000.00 ask, suggest that he immediately switch parties and run directly against the orange satan in the Republican primary.

THE FIX = Term Limits: Change the rules so that each Congress-person may only be elected to a single six-year term, and then be gone!

THE FIX = Term Limits: Change the rules so that each Congress-person may only be elected to single six-year term, and then be gone!

The totally free Amazon-By-Kohl’s return service has been exceptional; and has been available at a nearby Kohl’s for the past several months. I simply bring the (Amazon) item and it’s original receipt into Amazon-By-Kohl’s and they have only ever asked if the item is broken or damaged...no other questions! They then

Halle Bailey (Chloe x Halle(ay)
I was so happy for her yesterday
I am still so happy for her this day
I shall always be so happy for her(ay)

Future Karmic News: We are sad (not really) to report that former child beater-upper Thomas D’Andrea was found crushed to death up against a set of local park equipment. From the police report, a fully-loaded lumber truck seemingly went out of control at high speed on a nearby street and then slammed into poor tommy,

Thank you.
I appreciate your comment as well as that link.

Glassily Off-Topic: Please be so kind as to tell us where we might find those screw-top glass containers in your lede image (with or without lipstick), as I would sincerely love to have a set. Thank you for your able assistance.

Appears to be a scene from that movie “Poop Water On The Horizon” wherein a stiff stool causes a rather explosive excremental flow problem.

Oh-My! What a whimsical nite, wherein we had the magical Rachel Maddow plopped next-by-each a smarmy toad.

You do realize that-those 8 to 12 hours is just about as long as it took me to read that-there piece (^up^there^) by that sorta-nice fellow, Ian Lang. Me-thinks your “country-livin’ Oma” has the most-bestest green bean a-cookin’ method in all the worlds! Thank you, and please thank your Oma for us all.

If he (Pete Buttigieg) were unconscious and near death, than he (Pete Buttigieg) would still be a bazilllion times more intelligent and more capable than the present White House occupant. If Pete Buttigieg were to become the democratic nominee, then he (Pete Buttigieg) would certainly receive my vote!

$10 million is not nearly enough; these innocents should receive every cent that the entire City of Phoenix has, and I sincerely hope the name of the city is very soon changed to Ames, Arizona.