Kastle Thymely and Sage

I would expect my SO not to be drunk before noon, but to each their own, I guess.

The "wait until everyone is seated" rule doesn't apply to people who have absented themselves from the proceedings. Which is pretty much what's happened once you've passed out from drunkenness.

I just loved how she tried to find a way to justify this. Seriously, You would be mad, too? The only person with a right to be upset is the boyfriend.

If you think that the only possible way a woman can sexually assault a man, you need a reality check.

"No that I'm victim blaming, but I don't understand if he chose to stay quiet"

The comments* on this story that I have read so far are really weird. La Beef is a tool—there's really no denying it—but that doesn't mean he deserved to be assaulted. I don't understand the people claiming he's lying or he brought it on himself...Would they be saying the same thing if he were a woman we all think is

Believe victims, guys. Even if we don't like who they are as people, or they're "tryhards" or their art is dumb. Believe them.

This is why MRAs say feminists hate men.

This year is the very worst. I have been run out of Ferguson because my house is right next to the fires. I am crashing on an air mattress three hours away with my two dogs at my mother's house, a woman I try to limit my encounters with to twice a year at best for various reasons. Some highlights from yours truly, the

"Over time, as the domestication process continues, it would not be unreasonable to expect cats to become more like dogs."

Drink gravy out of a Thermos. Got it.

Remember what grandma said: Feed a cold; starve an amygdala.

'tis time again to use my fav gif.

GODDAMNIT I wish I was Amurkin so I could have some goddamn stuffing today.

Eat for me, my friends. Eat it all for me.

Oh for fuck's sake, Mormons.

Yes, but real live people spell it with one "t":

Because all the poor want is something both hilariously processed and terrible-tasting, rather than a delicious, all-natural chunk of pure protein.

Carve ahead of time! Doing it well requires you to really get in there — buy yourself a little extra time / carving privacy and do it in the kitchen and carry out the carved turkey separately. You're already hosting — no need to perform on top of that.

Jesus, Echo, hello? Ritz shortages. I would think you would've known this by now. You're so insensitive at times.