
At the most he tried to spray him with dirt and tragically misjudged his distance from the guy. We will see. Tony Stewart is an asshole but would not have "tried to kill the guy" and ruin his own famous life.

I love that you showed up when you were summoned

This guy didn't even give me THIRTEEN MINUTES to respond to his message:

I don't understand why you wouldn't want to get these kinds of messages, ladies. Sometimes you have to wait months or even years to find out you've been dating an asshole, but these guys just let you know right away. It's practically a public service!

I really don't think pulling an "Uncleftish Beholding" is going to help, now instead of confusing the laymen, you've confused everyone.

I was in a Safeway store over the weekend, and a customer at the register was furious about the fact that the store was out of frozen pie crust. "I'm going to have to go to another store just to buy pie crust! I looked in the case, and the price was there, but there were no pie crusts on the shelf!" She was

Damn. So we should expect an execution and a few other ladies tried as witches. It's likely time to call peak law...If you want a new law remove an old one.

My dad traumatized me by shaving his mustache off once when I was about 3! It was horrible. This random guy came upstairs when I was napping, and I was so scared that I had a whole conversation with him before understanding that it was my dad. It was so scary that I remember it to this day.

It was used against female indentured servants. Out of wedlock pregnancy was illegal. Many women wouldn't name the father, for various reasons I'm sure people can figure out. They weren't allowed to wed while indentured, so if they got pregnant, it was already out of wedlock, so it was doubly illegal. They were

I don't even want to know how one of those children got to 13 in that state. Those kids have suffered things and seen things no one should. I can't even think about it or all of my feels start combusting.

concealing an out of wedlock fetal death? That's a pretty specific crime.

What's the big deal? She's not naked or having sex in the picture, she's looking at a math book. People need to get over their hang ups on porn and stop instantly demonizing anything and everything that's even tangently related. If you told me nothing about that photo I'd assume it's just some random stock b roll.

so you don't think there are real Chinese people who are offended when people disrespect their culture? Or do you just not care?

It's nice of these guys to give the women around them such a clear and undeniable red flag. Most people have to wait weeks or even months to figure out that a guy is a piece of shit, they're really saving us all a lot of time here.

Mostly yes but, and I don't want to freak you out more about this, I think she's in a very different position than someone who has part of their brain removed. Since she never had that part of her brain it's possible that she is so high functioning because the neurons that are normally found there developed elsewhere.

Only part machine; she's a Cybearg.

Ruth Skater Ginsburg.

I'm "emotionally harmed" by your butt-hurt stupidity

I'm emotionally harmed by someone in a bad mood yelling at me. That doesn't mean I get to have them arrested for it.