The fact that the D.A. Refers to this as "the Tony Stewart matter" is worrisome and possibly indicative of bias.
The fact that the D.A. Refers to this as "the Tony Stewart matter" is worrisome and possibly indicative of bias.
Oh, kinja.
Well, ordinarily this is an illegal tactic called "bait and switch", but this might more properly be termed "switch, and bait".
It is eel-legal?
That poor child . . . the peek-a-boo monster got her daddy! Even worse, it left this . . . Thing . . . that sounded JUST LIKE DADDY!
"Hide me, I'm crying!"
I bow in your general direction.
I'm batshit. I AM BATSHIT!!!!!!
ZOMG . . . The tails. The sweet little spiky tails!
You may live.
I will happily outlaw the soap trying to pass as a trendy herb. How do you stand on cumin?
because I am a benevolent dictator, this sacrilegious response has not been dismissed. ;)
Worse. Virus, like HPV. Which is why both sexes should be vaccinated at a young age.
When I rule the Universe, ranch dressing/dip shall cease to exist.
Interior parts have less sensitivity than say, labia or other exterior parts.
Now you've upset them
The province of Alberta in Canada has a picture ID people can get if they don't drive but need an "official" picture card. When I went for mine a few years ago, they originally refused to take my picture because I *wasn't* wearing make-up and therefore might look 'very different' than I do everyday. When I don't wear…
Yes, it is.
Here, Mark. Freedom. In case you need to use it after slutallica's comment.