
Yeah, I check my doctor's credentials. With an agency I have faith in. See, faith?
I made no mention of jumping off bridges, that leap was yours alone.
Also yours alone is the belief that women who have religion deserve what ever the hell their pastor/minister/priest hands out.
Own up to the fact that faith/belief is

You mean like, when I have no background in medicine, but take my doctor's advice and medicine because I HAVE FAITH IN HER I would be at fault if she misdiagnosed me? If I have faith in the police, I would be wrong if I got on the bad side of a corrupt cop? What if I believe in justice? Would that make me culpable if

"The kuffar are strong tonight".

Not clever at all: derivative. Canada still did this first and best.

No. Wrong. No child should ever be threatened with death. Sucks that you are a complete monster, though.

I just can't imagine what this was like. I just can not imagine.

I love that this shows on the main page as "their entire musical cat". And I'm sad that it just is not so.

Oh Johnny Weir, I love you, but eat your heart out, honey. The ORIGINAL flamboyant sportscaster is on the scene.

Mr. Burke, do you know if there is any truth to the speculation that they purposively made this course a crasher to somehow "prove" that women's downhill doesn't belong in a "real venue" such as the Olympics?

You couldn't handle Jezebels

1) they dudn't take ambien, it was forced on them. They were not prepared to deal with the affect of it.
2) where does this say AN ambien? I'm not seeing that.
3) with MORPHINE!
4) dude, seriously? It's the women's fault for not being able to handle a drug they didn't know they'd been given? Ug!

Suits are considered part of their equipment, like skates or skis or biathlete's guns . . . Athletes need to register/record all equipment with the IOC for approval. Thus, they then also need approval to make changes.

FYI, in the early days of my feminism, I would have jumped all over anyone who assumed that the judge was male. So I will gently point out that she is not.

Omg . . . You just made my husband snort an eyeball out his nose!

(psssst, Burt, "gracious". As in full of grace)

Her distant (cousin?) Emily Post would not approve. Not as much as I do . . .

I see a goofy lion, complete with (pork-chop style?) mane.

I see that!

Except that this is a ragù, not a ragoût. He specifies that the vegetables are not caramelised, but rather just cooked low and melded with the fat . . .a key difference between the two dishes. And so, I suggest the meat be cooked the same way for the same reason. We aren't looking for browning here, we are hoping for

Yeah, but I'm talking about adding it pretty much with the meat, a lá stock in a tourtière to steam braise the meat, before adding the tomato. But, hey. Minor difference in texture, here.