
It is time for 24 fps to die. Unfortunately, the sensible switch to 30 fps as the base will mean that Europe and other regions with a 50 Hz standard will still have to deal with some kind of frame games on their televisions, but it makes more sense than it being broken for everyone.

The same idea works for MMOs. There is additional element if you store items in mail but then let those items expire or are irregular in your game usage so that you "miss out" on some event which then brings down your feelings for your character or the game as a whole.

The first thing this article made me think about is how crappy the browsing experience is on the iPad.

I've had discussions with Gamefly and another game rental service about this issue. As noted, only Netflix ships the disc in just a sleeve. All game rental companies use some additional padding such as cardboard or a foam sleeve. This is extra bulk and weight, so I don't know if this is the main issue for the postal

I suspect that would be a little like the initial response to kids and cell phones, which was to tell them they can't have one. Then parents broke down with the idea that their kids would check-in with them or if the parents want to reach them, they could. Of course, that was a silly rationalization and now all kids

We got a reasonable remake of RE1 on the GC, but bumping up the graphics again wouldn't hurt.

A 7" (roughly) iPad with a retina display might be a win and adequately fill the gap between an iPhone or iPod touch and a laptop, but but the iPad and iPad 2 fail on too many levels. If you have one then thank you, because your purchase helped fuel the market and a device I might want later this year (if September

You can't fix stupid...

Given what Apple did with iPhoto 11 I'm actually more concerned than excited about the changes in Lion. If they simply allow you to keep a "classic" UI like Windows did when they moved into crazy land, then it would be okay, but that isn't generally the Apple way.

I assume you could get the same kind of functionality with any laptop as well? Specifically, I've been contemplating a MacBook Air for travel and I would probably be using a jailbroken iPhone 3GS with MyWi to provide connectivity where I only have access to 3G.

I don't think of Angry Birds and its ilk so much as games as good time killers.

I don't know about most of the Kotaku readers, but at least in my age group, the days of local multiplayer are over except for very rare occasions. Once you have a real job, kids of your own, or even graduate past the dating stage and have a real partner, chances are the logistics alone of getting together for local

I have a 3Gs iPhone with a contract ending soon, so I was thinking about jailbreaking it to use as my travel phone in Europe, etc. Italy would be my first test for that and I'm interested mostly in data; it would be nice to have a phone number that people can call in case of emergencies, but otherwise I don't really

I wonder if my Newton developer status is still valid? I needs some swipin'...

That's quite impressive and one of the reasons I'm considering an iPad over a Netbook or MacBook Air as a travel device. Of course it can't touch the Kindle if you just want to read, but compared to my expectations for usage and charging of my iPhone, MacBook Pro, etc. it seems magical.

I know that what a lot of people want are effective ways of using the iPad as a monitor for their cameras, but so far there is no Lightroom equivalent that lets you see what your camera sees in realtime and do the things you can do if your camera is hooked up to a regular computer. Given the size and weight of an

Why do you prefer the iPad to a regular laptop or netbook or even your smartphone?

No cereal can destroy the roof of your mouth like the Cap'n.

It was a reasonably fun game, but the framerate and other glitches made it sort of painful to play.

I'm fine with this. I no longer go to see more than one movie a year at the theatre and it has to be something really special like Avatar in 3D to even get me to do that. The studios and movie theaters have managed to make the theatre experience completely horrible and I'm not missing it at all.