
Okay, if we're going into speculation zone, then I'm just gonna say this is for the next generation consoles, MS$ is paying for an exclusive for the console they are going to announce at E3 that will be released next year.

OMG I just realized that CliffyB is probably sitting at home trying to figure out how they can get Sheen to be the star of their next shooter...

Oh man, listening to those Saturday concerts was the best part of the original Animal Crossing. I think I still have some of that stuff in my iTunes.

Well in one or two years that might be true, but not this year. Due to the cost, lower battery life, and limited number of 3DS-specific titles, especially ones taking advantage of the new 3D, I see no reason to be the first on the block. I'm not very excited by the Nintendo 64 remakes that are coming either. I have

Your description of how to find the sweet spot is my big problem with this device since it is simply not going to work in any environment that isn't stable; cars, trains, walking around, or maybe even just trying to stand or sit where the device isn't in a locked position is going to be problematic for longer play.


There is one main reason I want a tablet, travel books in digital form, but the content isn't there yet. I'm currently trying out the Kindle app for iPhone and my computer and so far it isn't going to replace taking a few travel books with me on trips, but I'm going to give it a workout in May and June.

I can tell you from personal experience when you are riding an exercise bike that time flies faster when you are playing a videogame rather than trying to read or watching a movie, so I think there is an additional element of how engaged the rest of your brain is in making time pass quickly.

The televisions they had in the game played the most oddball stuff for the kind of game it was. However, I definitely spent time watching it and found a few groups I had never heard of that are still in my iTunes today.

Let's be honest. If this isn't a game about Oghren, Morrigan, and Wynne to cause consternation for Oghren and Morrigan then who cares?!

It still makes you wonder what is actually going to be the difficult part in the "sequel"? In Demon's Souls, the real difficulty was that you had to be cautious, go slow unless you already knew exactly what was coming up, pay attention, learn enemy tactics and then if all fails, learn from your mistakes. Of course you

Should a game win because it is something you do when you're bored or have time to kill waiting for something else to happen? Angry Birds is great when you have nothing else, but like most (not all) iPhone games they are a boredom filler.

So we know that the NYC and Bay Area are swamped andsuck for calling with AT&T. Are there other areas of the country that are the same? I always get the feeling that since so many of the tech and news organizations have people in those areas that the news is skewed.

"Be wary of _ _ _ ahead."

For games where something useful was unlocked by getting an achievement (some older Ratchet and Clanks or Jak and Daxters come to mind) and there were relatively few of them I often used to try and figure out what you were supposed to do and then try and pull it off on the second playthrough.

@derek.goeckeritz: I'm a hardcore renter. I have two separate rental companies that I use, and each allows two games out at a time. This allows me try many more games than I would ever buy if retail was my only option, including used games. There are some games that you can evaluate via a demo, but most don't show

And where does renting fall into this?

@sonchez: Unless you are being swarmed, it was my favorite weapon from the first game and I look forward to a Plasma Cutter only playthrough.

@The Squid: If you aren't playing on casual or already know the environments because you've played it once already, then the "survival horror" element is relevant because it feels a lot like Resident Evil. You will be low on ammo, you will be low on health and wondering if you'll make it to the next save / store, etc.