
Audio, photos, and video take up a lot of space. Our iPhoto library is up to 100 GB, my music is around 50 GB and that isn't even a fraction of the music I could store. Now that I'm shooting AVCHD video on trips that is taking up a lot of space too.

@DeadnBuried: The 3D is the issue. If you just want non-3D you're better off with the DS Lite to play DS and GBA games.

No. It is a gaming device with one hook. Yes I want to see it and try it, but smartphones will do everything but the 3D better and you'll be carrying one of those around anyway.

Dual-analog, nuff said.

@OnlySlightlyCrazy: If I'm not using the 3D then I'm not taking the most expensive and least capable Nintendo portable with me.

@arrrdawg: Just out of curiosity, do you expect to use it on the go, or are you largely getting it just because you want the new 3D without glasses regardless of its practicality? I realize that is a bit of a loaded question... :)

@Synaptic Reload: My point is the value of both the 360 and PS3 even at full launch retail pricing is way better than a 3Ds at launch.

I'm still not particularly interested in an iPad, especially since I spend most of my time on a MacBook Pro around the house.

Less than I expected, but too much for a device that I really want to see in person, but seriously doubt will be of any use for portable gaming.

@Who wants toast?: I think the obvious thing to do would be to redo any films from the Roger Moore days that were taken from the books and go back to the source material. As a whole, the Roger Moore stuff was campy badness.

I know I watched it, but I couldn't tell you off the top of my head what the heck Quantum of Solace was about or whether it was any good.

@tossin: Yeah I don't think that has a chance in hell of happening unless it is done as an open world game or uses level design that lends itself towards a lot of backtracking.

@paradox: Some good points. I'm probably limiting the definition of an FPS.

@supo: The point is that they are sucking the development and marketing dollars away from other genres and innovation in general.

Not only are there too many FPS games, but they are all way too similar, yet if you want to do the multiplayer XP grind or be good by knowing the maps, etc. you're only going to spend a lot of time with one every 3-6 months. FPS titles now suck up your gaming life like WoW, leaving little time and money for more

Well one more person for the Chinese involuntary organ donor list. If you need a kidney, I suggest getting your name on the list ASAP.

@Psyk: Indeed. I like to think that most psychology is meaningless because the science is based on what poor college students do since those are generally the only ones available to do any testing on.

@Hisilarn: What feels strange is that everything except the level 85 dungeon content and I suppose rated battlegrounds and arena is a cakewalk. In Cata, there is only one quest set, the Crucible of Carnage, that can't be soloed even with crappy gear or spec.

So far I'm wondering if this will end up being the worst expansion as far as long-term players are concerned?

The Atari 2600 was a holiday trauma for me and probably one of the things that soured me on the whole xmas thing.