
@TheRealDoshu: I'm sure the camera resolution is based on what can be displayed on the 3DS. There is no point in taking 3D pictures that can't be displayed correctly on the 3DS display and who knows how scaling that type of image does or doesn't work?!

I still say the increase in price without adding enough competitive features to smartphones means Nintendo will feel more pressure from Apple, Android, etc.

And to everyone that ranted at me for saying the 3DS would be $300 a while back I just want to say... apology accepted.

@kevipants!: Strangely, a USB or Bluetooth keyboard/mouse combo would be less than a PlayStation Move and would allow this game, WoW, and other PC/Mac games to work great with the PS3. I'm leaving out the 360 because it doesn't have Bluetooth support or standard USB ports; the Wii doesn't qualify on that front, but

@Musai: Yeah I can't tell if it is single-player casual unfriendly or it just hasn't sunk into our collective psyche like WoW?!

"The only way to win is not to play."

Interestingly enough, I don't really play FPS games anymore since most of my gaming is done on consoles. I played a lot of FPS games on my PC back in the day and I generally will look at the single-player portion of the big FPS games though I lost interest and didn't finish Halo 2, Halo 3, CoD:MW, or CoD:MW2. Yes they

@pridex: Good to know. I remember when Super Monkey Ball came out for the Wii and it seemed like you had to calibrate for pretty much every mini-game. That alone pretty much killed the title.

Remember that even with Motion Plus the Wii has the bizarre issue of doing 480i or 480p scaled up to 720p or 1080p depending on the age of your HDTV. It has a completely different technology for the pointing element as well.

I know that I will drive into walls and generally drive horribly even if I manage to get my old GT3 wheel/pedals to work with the PS3, but this looks so sweet I'm gonna have to have it.

I'm not sure what the people that are buying now are expecting?! The Move doesn't have any great content. If you have a Wii then you're better served by Wii-content. If you don't have a Wii, it is the better value, even if you end up just renting the games other than the ones bundled with it.

Is there even an inkling of when this comes out in the US? I need to add it to my list.

Okay, so I think I see a clear trend on why Sega is in the position they're in.

@manobon: I'm interested in the 3D camera in some ways more than the gaming. The problem is the lack of a standard and we don't know how the technology will vary as more devices implement dual cameras.

@Ueziel: I don't remember where the $300 estimate came from, maybe some weird Pachter comment about how compelling it was, but I'm not finding it now.

Okay, let's assume this thing is going to be at least $300. Games are going to be $40. Is everyone going to line up and pay that much for a portable?!

Last Guardian and the price of the 3DS.

@Deathknok: Not surprisingly, Metacritic confirms this at 100%.

@bassrocker521: Okay, the cat and mouse with piracy, that I can understand.

@OmegaArchetype: Actually, I enjoy Fusion, but its a handheld title and so it fills a different niche in my gaming time than a "couch" game; I like Zero Mission too. OTOH, I couldn't play the DS game due to the controls, so that was change that didn't work for me.