
@OmegaArchetype: I'm amazed at the people that like it as a Metroid game. Yes, it has Samus, but that's about it.

So what does the hack really allow you to do once "you're in"? I mean, no device is "safe" if you have physical access to it.

Asimov has already written that it will be covered by a big dome, what's all this open sky stuff?

It still doesn't make Metroid: Other Gaiden a good game.

Does anyone know how this impacts playing from level 1 or 30-35 versus higher up? I never understood how they were "balancing" DLC or expected you to be leveling simply replaying the original as new game plus.

@Baraka_Obama: Well with the "god games" I can see that not being for everyone. With Fable, it is simply that they are sub-par games hyped out the wazoo. Only a fool or MS fanboy would be looking forward to Fable 3.

So what's the status on the HD remake of Abe's 2D games? Did they ever say if it was happening?

@Sean Morrow: Actually, I used to joke that everything I know about cars I learned from GT.

Having been in a large tech company environment very similar to MS that is pretty tight will them, I can say that doing a new project inside is pretty rough.

This is for all you "kids" out there that might happen to read this article.

Wait, this is the guy that documents everything he eats as well, right? He is a trip. A bit of a self-promoter, but still impressive. Certainly better than Colbert or Glen Beck, who are self-promoters without substance.

Well I haven't found a Wii game yet that I thought worked well with the Wii mote turned sideways, but hopefully I'll be able to deal with it for this.

@kasplat: I should add that I've recently had a similar situation within WoW. I had stopped playing, but 20-30 people locally were talking about playing together in the same guild rather than being spread over a lot of servers. The idea was to level together with regular play times. We would all be on sort of like a

I don't see this as a deal breaker, but it is a very odd mechanic for a genre that depends on establishing regular play habits to keep people coming back and paying a monthly fee.

@Ronin_Okami: I had this on my game list for November based on the Gamestop date, which seemed suspicious and the early look would seem to confirm that we're talking early next year or later.

My current game release date info. Most of the dates are from Gamestop, corrections welcome.

This is Peter talking, so lower expectations by 300% then go play something else to get his silly words out of your head.

They missed one. My wife and I rented a basic compact car and when our nephew (18 years old) got into it he couldn't figure out how to get the window down because he had only seen automatic windows. We explained how to "roll" the window down and he was amazed.

@DarthBane24: I posted my full release schedule for this year in speakup but I'll go ahead and repost after this.