
GT said it is only 3 hours long?!

After playing the beta I have to say that while I look forward to playing through the single-player campaign a bit at a time in the future, the gameplay is, well, 10+ years old.

@Raizo: I have no idea what is available on the iPhone. Normally I only use it as a data device when I don't have access to a real computer, so the only games I ever tried were Doodle Jump and Angry Birds.

I posted on speakup

The browser, duh.

I have to say this is a terrible idea. Having a real identity is not going to keep people from trolling or posting flames, etc. Forums are forums, it is just part of the landscape.

Sadly this may represent a larger trend at Apple that is alienating many of their biggest fans. Since Apple has a monopoly on both the software and hardware, when the hardware starts going in directions you aren't interested in, you either have to put up with it or make due with inferior software solutions from other

One of the underrated games of the year. Yes, it has some issues, but it is good. $28 - $38 depending or less, depending on shipping needs, etc. at Amazon, Gamestop, etc.

Hmm, if they are going to show off the DKCR co-op tomorrow I might actually watch that.

@MajinMexican: This was the only Move game I watched from E3 that made me even consider getting a Move.

@Naeros: Yeah, but you were also more likely to find yourself out of ammo or in serious trouble if misusing secondary fire. ;-)

Zoom is the new stretch. I've pretty much given up watching movies on TV since there are so many ways for the broadcaster to bugger it up. My favorite is zooming, which is like Pan and Scan without all the messy panning. Sometimes the zoom on 2.35 : 1 movies fills the screen and other times they only do a little zoom

Each time I see one of these Farmville stories it makes me tempted to load up my original Animal Crossing file and see how many cockroaches are running around in my weed infested town.

I wonder if any of the enemies will require a particular weapon or if it will be like the first game where you could do the whole thing with the starting weapon, plus upgrades?

I'm sure this will be a fun game, but it will also be a short and relatively easy game. There won't be a big multiplayer component, even what we've already seen with NSMBW or SMG1/SMG2 or what's coming with the new Donkey Kong Country.

@Tanneseph: I bought the trilogy last year even though I already owned the games. While the Wiimote made combat a bit too easy, it still enhanced the gameplay of Prime and Prime: Echoes.

@SpiritBoy: I played both Fables and I really didn't have much in the way of expectations. The first one was okay for what it was. But the second one was just flat out terrible. Yes, it has some game mechanics unique to Fable and they are somewhat interesting, but it just isn't a fun game and most of the combat,

So is there a good emulator method of playing the original? I have it, but the last time I tried to get it to work I think I had sound card or some other typical old PC game problem.

It doesn't matter what Peter says, his track record is terrible. Seriously, if you are even remotely considering playing this game, buy the original WoW, level a toon or two to 60 and close your account and you will have a much better RPG, story, emoticon, dancing, social, whatever, experience than you will have