
@Squirrelbot3000: Thanks for the response. I did see Up in the theatre, but the downsides of the theatre overwhelm the experience, so it needs to be spectacular to get me to go.

I agree with the points made. The Move probably is Wii HD, but only the games will tell. Sixaxis was a failure, fingers crossed the Move has better games.

So necessary to see in 3D or not? I would assume not since they'll end up having a version for 4:3 as well as 16:9 without 3D, but I could see the 3D enhancing the experience as well.

This sounds like a wait and see since nobody has actually played a real game for even half an hour, let alone a normal gaming session. How it looks and feels and potential discomfort in a moving vehicle (car, bus, train, subway, etc.) outdoor light and so on we have to wait a while.

Yeah, but what about the Trance Vibrator accessory (NSFW link follows)

Each time I see one of these good games going to the PSP I shake my head and think what a waste.

@develin: Other than control of intellectual property and trying to simplify the process while controlling the whole experience I'm not sure for all the reasons why things work the way they do now.

@Opuelas: 85 is just a decent benchmark for a game being good to great. Sure a good game could score 70 (average), but that doesn't happen very often. These days it seems games get overly high scores and when you look at the score six months or a year later you wonder what people were smoking.

@sugardeath: Disconnect the nunchuk and look inside and you'll see that there are a series of contacts. What appears to be the problem is that the small movement back and forth and side to side, even while the nunchuk is locked in place is enough to cause the Wii to decide communication was lost. Typically this is

This is actually a good point for the current trend of closed-server multiplayer games. For the PC, individuals and clans can run servers for as long as they want, so if you want to go play Quake 1, chances are you can. You certainly can find Half-Life servers, etc.

@Spustatu: I had no problems with the Wind Waker look and I can live with the current look as well. But, if they are changing the controls in an attempt to broaden the audience, then they are going in the wrong direction. I don't think this will be as complicated as trying to master all the controls of Metal Gear

@sugardeath: I'm not pulling the cord apart, it is that the connection between the Wiimote and nunchuk is not particularly secure. This is pretty well documented if you want to do some searches. If they had used a tighter connector like USB it wouldn't have been an issue.

@Batman: If she hates watching you play SMG 1 or 2 then you might be out of luck, but if she can stand watching you then have her give this a try...

I'm definitely not even on the fence with Kinect. The only thing that was getting my attention was the workout "game", but even if they add the missing bits to that it won't be worth the price of the game and a Kinect.

I think it was Dungeon Siege that first did this, but basically you are zooming out very far and without any lense distortion and the individual lighting stays the same as well.

If you've been wanting to get your spouse or friend gaming, SMG2 is for you. I highly recommend getting a friend or spouse or other family member to help with a second Wiimote.

@Spustatu: Its the irony of trying to "simplify" the control and bring Zelda to a wider audience. Instead they have made it more difficult and tiring to play. Don't even get me started on the problems of trying to do many of these motions with that stupid cable between the Wiimote and nunchuk. I already get lots of

I kept wondering if they spend all their time updating the cars since they get out-of-date with each delay. I mean will we have cars from 2007, 2008, 2009?

@BeerManMike: This isn't a lot different than the Wii story...

@Xstrikr: Seriously, anyplace you have USB can charge these things. Yes you need a mini connector on one end, but surely you have one or more laying around from a PS3 controller or any other device.