
Dear Peter,

@kasplat: Maybe I have my terminology wrong. What I'm looking for I think is a reflective display. On my older GBA where you can turn the backlight off, the display is pretty dim until you angle it so the sun is on it and then it looks brilliant.

@Tanneseph: Okay now I'm confused. So they changed the displays in the DS Lite to be anti-reflective? Mine certainly isn't, but I got it when it first came out.

The big downside to the DS for me is the same problem I have with the later versions of the GBA; they got rid of the reflective LCD screen, so it is difficult to impossible to play games in the sunshine which is the main place I want to use a portable, outside.

@kasplat: Then again, maybe it is just the iPhone 4.

Ah the irony of introducing a phone called the "4G" that doesn't do 4G.

I'm so glad I wasn't drinking milk when I saw this crazy story or I would have a mess to clean up.

Wait, can't you just do this...

Hey remember how we were all excited about the second game and then most of you took a dump on it because they developed it for consoles and then "ported" it to the PC...?

@D0GG: The matte screen covers distort the image from various viewing angles. There might be one out there that doesn't have this problem, but previous searches, reading reviews, discussion forums, etc. didn't turn up anything that was viable except for someone willing to put up with the problems.

Is there some reasonable way to compare the Xeon 6 core to the i5 and i7 chips in the iMacs? Honestly, if it wasn't for the terrible shiny glass screen, I would buy an iMac to replace an aging Mac Pro, but I just don't know how to do a comparison.

@NeƶStarr: Thanks I didn't know about that product. I looked it up and reviews seemed mixed.

I'm been playing SMG2 and since its been a while since I used my Wii I had forgotten that the Wiimote to nunchuk connection is pretty unreliable.

Mystery of the day...

Some developer once said that the competition for iPhone games was boredom, not a good PC, console, or handheld game.

@MixPix: Was Turok $85, ouch. I certainly bought most of those good N64 cartridges.

@weirdphil: That's because pretty much everyone in Japan already has 2 or possibly 3 DS machines.

It would be nice if the Mac beta could be extended even further to see if the expected new Snow Leopard release (probably around WWDC) indeed fixes some of the OpenGL performance issues.