
J Allard was the guy that got me my interview at Microsoft in 1994 and due to that interview I realized that I would never want to work there and that they were some of the brightest people in tech that just don't "get it".

@Booshit: My feelings so far are that on a lesser box it either doesn't look that great or the framerate makes it unplayable. WoW ran fine on my older box (two years old), but SC 2 not so much, so I'm actually wondering at this point whether I'll get it when it comes out or more likely wait until I have a beefier

If that includes a Wii Sports style bundle then they are still in good shape. As others have said, you won't need a bunch of controllers to go with it.

Okay, so my friend that taught his pre-schooler how to farm in WoW while he was working was bad...

@Xiandel: Yes the count reset is what seems so silly. I mean if you have 60 lives or more from a long play session and then you jump into a rough challenge and expect to burn through all those it makes some sense. But the way the tough spots are designed there is always a mushroom or 50 star bits to give you a life

Okay, so the "tough" bits are like the Trial galaxies or the comet levels, only taken up another notch?

@heretrix: I have to agree that they are leaving a lot to be desired. Persona 4 was definitely the best I've played in the last year or so.

@MLZ911: Nice summation.

It's just a plot to sell extra Wiimotes, balance boards, and other add-ons. If you want to play a party game, pull out your N64 :)

@Lipscomba: The biggest problem I see with Alan Wake is that it is a new IP coming out in a very busy gaming month along with Red Dead Redemption, Super Mario Galaxy 2, a new PoP, etc.

@SirBrau: It's true. Especially in the USA, there are a lot of people that have played WoW in the past, but don't play anymore.

@Full_Circle: It will be worth a resub for at least a month. Unless the leveling changes even more than they've implied so far, I doubt it will take more than a casual week or two at most to gain five levels. I'm sure there is an article about the expected changes.

@Danza: I said they can provide higher-res textures, but those are still going to be put on relatively low polygon count models. LotRO has higher machine requirements than WoW to be playable and came out much later.

@Danza: Well even if better textures are provided for higher-end graphic cards, they aren't going to change the polygon counts or they could make it unplayable for existing customers.

@Husher: I suspect that you will be booted off your mount or be shot down if over a hostile city just like the current cities in flyable zones, unless that has changed since I quit.

I can't wait for the facebook and twitter messages every 30 seconds from my buddies...

@kasplat: Correction... "I can understand tying saves to a PSN id so you can't get trophies with a save..."

@DarthBane24: Yes, the protection added is quite aggravating and I don't see how it protects the developers or publishers?! All it does is restrict the gamer.

I used to get the EB or Gamestop service plans on consoles simply because if anything went wrong they simply opened a new box and handed you a brand new machine. My first Wii died within weeks and I was able to replace it immediately even though people were waiting to buy Wiis at the time.

As a mid-40s gamer I played all the original arcade games (Pong, Centipede, Battlezone, etc.) as a teenager, had an Atari 2600, Atari 800 computer, handheld football, and all the other stuff one would expect.