Many people find kiwi and strawberry interchangeable.
Many people find kiwi and strawberry interchangeable.
Dumb, but $10,000 is $10,000.
“...You can also expect thinner slices of ham and turkey,...” c’mon. Get serious. Light will pass through the slices now. They would go from translucent to transparent.
Sprouts. I’m pretty old, but I was able to be astonished at the prices for produce. They rival the prices/# for beef in other stores.
I started to do that years ago, but I had to buy the duct tape out of my allowance. I was 10.
Is the fb password useful for anything besides logging in to fb? What are they planning to do with all those passwords, create more imaginary friends?
I think it was at a Dairy Queen that we convinced the sweet young thing behind the counter that one “bump” on the thing that dumped malt into the shake was insufficient and the standard was actually 4 bumps. Everybody knows that, said we.
You’re mixing up terms like grout, putty and caulk. You may use a putty knife, but that stuff isn’t putty that you’re supposedly filling in the cracks with. “Once the tile is completely dry, take your putty and smooth it into the cracks and any holes.” No. Just no. You switched from caulk, which basically never…
She laid hands upon that child. That is a crime.
Did gulls swarm over this free lunch?
That article says not to use it because it’s too weak and also be careful of it because it’s too strong. What it is, is too expensive, but if you need a little boost to the chlorine content, it’s generally ok. Not a long-term solution, but when the store is out of tablets or concentrated chlorine, it’s fine.
See also: Rice Vinegar which is loaded with sodium, unfortunately, because I love the stuff.
We have learned to move more slowly which allows the body to get rid of heat. In general, we make attempts to keep the sun off our bodies, so you may see people with long sleeves on hot sunny days. Loose clothes encourage evaporation. I wish we had adopted the garments of some Arab nations.
I buy the children’s sunscreen because it generally has a high SPF and is designed to stay on the skin without irritating.
A few extracts:vanilla, almond, butter, lemon, orange, rum. Bac-o-bits, pancake syrup (apparently I can’t tell the difference between the $12 bottle and the $6 bottle).
Somebody got to him and explained that there might be consequences to what he said that day. Even one of his lawyers is saying, “Nobody would take what I said seriously”.
You know that it wasn’t today’s Democrats, right? The people who founded the KKK happen to be dead, so why are you pretending this happened a few weeks ago. Oh, I get it. Is this an example of what they call trolling?
Chincoteague and Assateague? Beaufort County, S.C. has about 200 islands.
We’ve had moderate success with Listerine - the original amber variety. You have to be generous and splash it alll over the place. I think there’s camphor in it, or camphor and eucalyptus. It’s cheap.