Dr. Yuko-
Dr. Yuko-
Yes, that’s a great deal of fiber. Lots of fiber. Almost as surprising as okra.
I brought one of those cakes to a gathering and people complained that they were then required by law to consume every molecule of the thing. Delicious.
Sounds like a hit. Alcohol is not particularly useful in lowering body temp when you’re in a heat wave (as much of America seems to be today). Cold and slightly bitter hits the spot. Grazie.
So the parents and greater families of those children are still around.
In the entire country there occur about 15 cases of trichinosis per year. It’s not something one would want, but I read somewhere that it happened in wild hog meat.
The fork-lift operator and the guys who unload the tires have very little to say about the model and designs. If you work on the assembly line you don’t change jobs just because the car or color is ugly. At Ford plants back in the 1960's they used to scratch and maul Toyotas and Datsuns until finally the union put out…
Perhaps it’s one of the things men do in a thirty-minute shower.
This helps to diminish his “credibility” on pretty much anything he says.
Wold it have scared Mike Pence enough to get publicly vaccinated?
Some people get promoted because of their potential and the ability to learn on the job while bring past experience to the process. They usually blossom very quickly in the new role, I have found. As a reward for my faith in them, they typically worked harder and cared about our team performance.
This also lets me know if it’s moist enough.
They are common.
And grow up!
You are blaming the test for the things people do with the results. As a primary care doctor I am comforted by the knowledge that you are doing a digital rectal exam on all your 45+ male patients at least once per year. Oh wait.
Somebody out there makes a spicy dill pickle, and it’s great for adding a little zing without taking over the whole flavor palette.
When we cook part of an animal, it’s all dead.
Cowboy Coffee you boil the grounds in the water and then when you’re done, you plunge a cold spoon into the coffee to settle the grounds and it doesn’t do a damn thing.
The fact that she went to the museum and came out saying, “It’s true” has little to do with her, but there are, amazingly, thousands of holocaust deniers out there, who will hear this from her and have to think twice.
Always a pleasure to be treated as a commodity. They treat these people like adorable pets. “Here’s a tidbit. Now do or say something outrageously gay. There’s a dear.”