
“ I’m not sure what the verb tense of “swole” is,”..... Maybe the young people are using a shortcut for swollen?

Aids-related illnesses may not appear as primary cause of death. Some of the medicines are pretty rough on the body. A friend who’s HIV+ for over 25 years is experiencing kidney failure. He was among the first to survive due to the medications back in the 90's.

It is not possible to get in or out of a banquette seat without touching the seat. I don’t know what else touched that seat - maybe a lady’s purse that just touched the bathroom floor? -maybe some clothing that just leaned against something dirty? Nah, no, thanks anyway, etc.

I stand corrected.  I’ve seen it delivered so I assumed that was the standard method.

I’ve started adding a slug of rice wine vinegar to the water when I cook jasmine rice.  I think it rounds out the flavor nicely.

Maybe a pat of butter before the cream? It wouldn’t hurt.  Butter comes from heavy cream, so ...

I got my first credit card offer 6 months after my bankruptcy. It wasn’t a disastrous rate, either. One of the banks that want me to reassume the debt ( I declined) waited about 8 months and then offered me a new card.

“...I’d rather entrust that risk management to trained chefs and a staff that know what they are doing.”...  Gas station sushi isn’t rolled on-site.  It’s delivered, from a food purveyor, the same way a lot of supermarket sushi is delivered.

I remember being in a Mexican restaurant when a crazy lady demanded - not ordered- demanded fettuccine alfredo. “What kind of restaurant doesn’t have fettuccine alfredo?” she screamed.  “This one, Señora".  She finally stormed out.

One: not by a long shot. Many will die due to this very premature opening of everything.

Please check out Krystal, all over the south, especially the sunrise sandwiches - square eggs, sausage patty, some kinda “cheese”, and a roll that sticks in your throat. Great.  Then come back at lunchtime for some little sliders.

Here’s a variation on a theme - Francis Lam’s Ginger Scallion sauce. I use it on pork loin and chicken breast and fish and jasmine rice and... everything.

Maybe we can interest both of them in some lengthy community service instead of jail time or fines.

When I delete my phone, I have no way of being sure that everything associated with my presence has been deleted.  There is probably somebody out there somewhere working on a  “recovery” process for just that reason.

“...reading comic books and riding his Razor scooter.” Using the comma makes it clear that he wasn’t reading the comic books while riding the scooter.

I use a fairly dilute solution of Fabuloso (I can stand the smell of the blue variety) and I spray after every shower. I only have to really clean once in a while because the spray removes the water droplets off the wall and I don’t get mold/mildew. My neighbor told me to use about a shot of it in a sprayer bottle

I like the way you think.

Instead of “natural” they look very much achieved.  Is it possibly because his hair is normally almost poker-straight? He must have to  curl it to get it to hold together the little bit that it does.

We went into a Sprouts in Estero, FL and I was fortunate to not have allowed one finger to touch as much as a radish. Everything was curated, clipped, misted, and the staff all had perky aprons and synthetic smiles. It was clear to me that I didn’t belong there in my luau shirt and shorts and I promised to go home

The passive voice in crime reports was the result of cops trying to sound more sophisticated than they are. It goes along with saying vehicle instead of car, etc.