
Would spring onions be too strong?

Isn’t there a recipe similar to this that includes peanut butter in the chocolate? I haven’t made that because I don’t want anyone see me put my face into it.

She will get $$$  donations to run for office. She will keep a lot of that money.


Preposition   pre...position.  It comes before something else and should not end a sentence.


She doesn’t want hand germs on the dishes.”

Eggs Birmingham. My mother didn’t know where it got that name, either. It is, however my favorite food, probably because it was prepared for us with love when we were sick. Claire’s version elevates it to a delicacy.

Put them in a pan or dish and put virtually any type of soup over them and bake for a while. I use Golden Mushroom because it makes a sauce worth pouring over rice. Cream of broccoli, celery, tomato, all of them work with the boneless thighs which are cheap at $0.99, while hamburger is over $3.

I used various sprays on a set of pots for about three years and then I started seeing missing spots in the non-stick surface. I was told that it is the lecithin that bonds the Pam to the surface and it becomes like a laquer... Current set of non-sticks perfect after three years. I use olive oil or the wrapper from

I would certainly not be an early adopter of anything on a Friday. Bitter experience over the years has found that the team that was handling the situation wasn’t available over the weekend, and the poor slob on duty over the weekend hadn’t been given the latest (or sometimes any) information... Once or twice, that

How do you address your PCP when she comes into the room and says, “I’m Arnetta Smith”?

You can try  good yogurt or sour cream instead.  Works nicely, but only use lemon zest instead of lemon juice or it will be s.o.u.r.

McDonalds in Amsterdam used to have some curry in the ketchup or maybe the mustard. Nice treat.

Florida law requires them to allow a clothesline.  Thee may be a rule about having it in your front yard.

I hate it when someone does something so beautiful so easily. 

My mother was a nurse, so it was very hard to get either sympathy or medicine from her. My Grandma, on the other hand,  gave us blueberries in cream and a dose of blackberry brandy. Grandma loved us a lot.

There was no need to cook the fish. It would have followed the course of nature. You delayed the decay by cooking it, although that may have been your motive.

Almost like there’s no such thing as justice in nature...

You kinda said the last paragraph out loud, but I understand its motivation.