“Krendler’s “shut up, you’re just here for PR” attitude”...... has already exceeded its possible use in the plot. It’s obnoxious. You can have stupid people in a plot with them yelling to one and all, “See how stupid I am?”
“Krendler’s “shut up, you’re just here for PR” attitude”...... has already exceeded its possible use in the plot. It’s obnoxious. You can have stupid people in a plot with them yelling to one and all, “See how stupid I am?”
Re: an enzyme in milk that can actually produce the opposite effect “...To destroy it, heat the milk until it begins to steam, then let it cool to room temperature...” finally, after 70 years, I have the answer as to why we scald milk when making babka. The only answer I had previously was, “because that’s the way…
“by announcing you are recording it you immediatly take away any counter arguments that the recording was unlawful”.....It may or may not be legal in a court proceeding, but no dealer pulling this crap wants to be recorded. You can tell him that you’re not suing him but you’ll be sending this out over the internet to…
It says 1 cup oil or shortening. That was not unusual for the late 1940's. Many people sautéed with Crisco or Spry. Olive oil was considered exotic, and butter was treasured, because it had been unavailable during the war. There was something called margarine which was basically Crisco in a bag with yellow dye that…
The $250 is only part of the penalty; it is still illegal to fly without a mask, so that person should be grounded at the next stop. It’s not hard to put someone on the no-fly list.
“new, damp potting mixture” is a big part of this. People seem desperate to “save” a handful of soil and the plant needs a ned home.
“You sound very angry” “You’re damn right I am!” Then listen for a minute or two. Generally people hear their impotent anger and recognize that it’s out of proportion to what happened (some human forgot to do something that this person cared about way too much).
Can’t you start by: first fry one side of the white bread in butter until it starts to get golden, then turn it over and sprinkle on the granular cheese and fry that piece cheese-side down? Add your Velveeta on top of that. I’m looking for maximum butter conveyance here.
“...This meant gathering up stray socks and scrubbing them in hot water by hand....” and sheets and towels. Don’t forget the heavy, wet linens.
“...by throwing himself into multiple new projects...” the number of things he was involved in was astonishing.
“...Better, more complete vaccines will come in time, just not any time soon....” or possibly next week. The research continues.
“provides up to 1500W of warming relief” the same as the $19 heater from Target. None of them can go about 1500W, the rest is showmanship.
“provides up to 1500W of warming relief” the same as the $19 heater from Target. None of them can go about 1500W,…
Or sprinkle it on pork chops or chicken...
“Let’s pledge to not let politics divide THIS family...” because I tried it and it did not work the way I had intended.
You can open a can of tomato paste, use a tablespoon or two, and then put the rest into a sandwich baggie, flatten it, and freeze it. Then, when you need a little flavor, you can just break off a piece.
It’s not, “abandonment”. They offered their plan of defense and it was rejected by the client. It happens. His next two choices seem to have had problem with the truth, in that it was difficult for them to recognize it when it was right before their eyes. Castor had his own setback after the Cosby case, and may be…
In a previous generation, domestic goddesses used to use evaporated milk in their meat loaves. It was standard. Many meat loaf recipes today include soaking the breadcrumbs in cream before mixing them in.
That’s so much sliced onion that it will be hard to taste the pork.
After making this, you will get no sleep because you will be traipsing back to the kitchen to pull off, “just one more tiny piece”. No sleep at all.
Back when the world was young, somebody had a recipe for cheesecake that used Grape Nuts instead of the crushed Graham Crackers. Supposedly they “sog” enough in the baking so as not to be crunchy at the end.